

    关键词:游泳; 初学者; 心理恐惧

    Abstract With the progress of mankind, the development of the socialist cause, especially since the reform and opening up, China's development is not only increasing emphasis on material civilization, but also more and more attention to the construction of spiritual civilization, and began to focus on the development of sports, to develop sports. Swimming is a great sport activities, this is not only a sport, but also to maintain good health, physical and mental health as one of the persified collection of sports, and has become one of a growing number of people concerned about the favorite sports many people began to participate in swimming events, join the swim team in the past. Therefore, the Psychology of swimming is especially important for beginners. One factor of this thesis is to swim for beginners adversely affect the learning process of the most important "psychological", to teach beginners how to understand various legal and mental activity, emotions and state of mind, to understand the changes and teaching practice, the use of reasonable scientific teaching methods to improve the mental state of the quality of teaching swimming is particularly critical, and by Hangzhou Chenjinglun swimming pools crowd spread on analysis, to explore the impact of swimming before the crowd, after the change of mentality, which favorable for swimming learning contribute.

      Keyword: swimming; beginners; fear

    目    录

    1.引言 5

    2.主要研究方法 7

    2.1文献资料法 7

    2.2实地调查法 7

    3.游泳初学者时的恐惧及影响 8

    3.1初学者心理恐惧时的行为表现 8

    3.1.1出现各种情况时的不良反应 8

    3.1.2言语较多阻碍教学进度 8

    3.1.3肢体僵硬导致动作加快 8

    3.1.4采用“站立”姿势游进 8

    3.1.5呼吸技术动作错乱 8

    3.2 初学者心理恐惧产生的影响 8

    4.初学者心理恐惧原因的分析与讨论 9

    4.1外在客观条件 9

    4.2内在主观因素 9

    5 游泳初学者心理恐惧对策 9

    5.1明确初学者学习目的培养学习兴趣 10


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