
    摘要随着我国经济不断地发展,经济体制向市场经济改革的不断深入,少儿业余游泳培训也面临着新的挑战。通过调查和分析了我区游泳场馆游泳培训的现状、存在的主要问题及其原因, 比如:安全问题,游泳场设计及管理不合理,课程设置不合理,教学问题和政策不完善等。在总结梳理我区游泳场馆游泳培训成功经验的基础上,结合我区和谐社会的构建和平安校园的推进,以及游泳事业发展的需要,通过系统分析,探讨我区游泳场馆游泳培训的安全模式,发现可以通过强化安全意识,加强市场监管,培训机构增强自身建设,具备科学合理的教学方式和条件,家长树立正确的青少年培训观念的方式来杜绝游泳培训场所溺水事故的发生。47171

    毕业论文关键词: 少儿游泳; 业余培训; 潜在风险; 防范对策


    Along with our country economy development unceasingly, the deepening of the reform of economic system to market economy, children's amateur swimming training is faced with new challenges. Through the investigation and analysis of the status quo of our swimming pool swimming training, the main problems and its reasons, such as, security problem, the unreasonable design and management of swimming pool, the unsuitable curriculum design, teaching problem and incomplete policy, etc. After summing up and collecting all the successful experience from the swimming training institutions in our region, combined with the promotion of this region’s harmonious development and safety, and the needs of the swimming industry’s development, by system analysis, we found out some means to solve these, such as, strengthen safety awareness and market supervisor, training institutions to enhance their construction, scientific and reasonable teaching methods and conditions, parents to establish a correct concept of youth training in a way that put an end to the occurrence of drowning accidents in swimming training place.

    Keyword: Children's swim; Amateur training; Potential risks; Prevention countermeasures

    目    录

    1 引言 4

    2 研究对象与方法 4

      2.1研究对象 4

      2.2研究方法 4

       2.2.1文献资料法 4

       2.2.2问卷调查法 5

       2.2.3实地访谈法 5

    3 研究结果与分析 5

      3.1安全问题 5

      3.2 安全设备 5

      3.3游泳场馆设计不合理造成的安全隐患 6

      3.4 游泳场馆管理不合理造成的安全隐患 6

      3.5 课程设置不合理 6

      3.6 教学问题 7

      3.7 政策法规不够完善 8

    4 解决方法与措施 8

      4.1 强化安全意识,开展加强安全工作 8

      4.2 培训机构要加强自身建设,提高青少年游泳培训服务质量 9

      4.3 家长要树立正确的青少年培训观念,慎重科学地选择培训服务 10

      4.4 具备科学合理的教学方式和条件 10

      4.5 完善政策法规,加强市场监管

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