    毕业论文关键词:杭州市; 中小学生; 足球运动; 现状调查; 发展研究
    This article uses the literature material method, the interview method, the questionnaire survey method to carry on the investigation to the Hangzhou elementary school campus soccer training present situation to carry on the investigation. The results showed that: 1 primary and middle school students in Hangzhou had higher awareness and participation in the initiative. 2 the education department and the school did not set the soccer curriculum, the society does not have the system organization. 3 sports departments rarely organize professional training and competition. 4 venues and facilities is not perfect. Suggested that teachers give us less homework. The more time for students to dominate, and schools amateur football training class, every afternoon schedule an hour to carry out training activities, enhance the health, ease the pressure of study, raises the interest hobby. At the same time, parents should set up school in response to amateur football training practice, support their children to participate in football training, inspire students' passion and vitality. The society should vigorously promote the development of primary school campus football training, open interest training, with the popularization and development of school primary school campus football. This paper aims to promote the popularization and development of the campus football training primary school in Hangzhou City, the Hangzhou city primary school campus football training has been further improved.
    key word :hangzhou city;  Middle and primary school students; Football sport; Current situation investigation;  Development Research
    1 引  言    3
    1.1 课题的目的和意义    3
    1.2 文献综述    3
    2   研究对象与研究方法    4
    2.1 研究对象    4
    2.2 研究方法    4
    2.2.1 文献资料法    4
    2.2.2 访谈法    4
    2.2.3 问券调查法    4
    3 结果与分析    4
    3.1杭州市小学校园足球训练的基本调查    5
    3.1.1杭州市小学校园足球训练--主观性调查    5
    3.1.2杭州市小学生足球训练的--认知调查    5
    3.1.3杭州市小学生参与足球训练--方式方法的调查    5
    3.1.4杭州市小学生参与足球训练的---次数频率调查    6
    3.1.5杭州市小学生参与足球训练---时间长短的调查    6
    3.2杭州市小学生不参与校园足球训练的原因    6
    3.2.1 上课时间长、校园时间少,不能参加足球训练活动    6
    3.2.2学生想参加,但是家长不支持    7
    3.2.3 文化课老师多,体育老师少    7
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