


    Analysis on physical fitness of students in Jiangsu University  in recent five years

    Abstract In this paper, the methods of literature, mathematical statistics, for Jiangsu university of  from 2010 to 2015 students of physical education, an in-depth understanding of Jiangsu university of , the student's physique condition, research shows that: although Jiangsu  university students' body quality is better than Jiangsu province college students' physical quality, but from the point of students' physical quality index in five years, Jiangsu  university students' physique condition decline phenomenon. Between grade 1-3 of every school year, 50 m running result and pull-ups/sit-ups overall result in better relative to grade 1, grade 2, grade 3 grades has generally been declining; 800/1000 meters and run for 12 minutes scores have been falling; Establish the performance of the jump is on the rise every year. There are many differences between the special physical conditions of students between, badminton special students physical quality than other special students is generally poor. Suggested that schools should pay more attention on college students' physical quality, through all kinds of novel physical activity in school groups, change the original teaching mode and evaluation standard, for the project strictly control the execution of various body quality stimulate students' initiative enthusiasm of sports participation, thus promote the uplift of the level of health.

    Keywords: undergraduate   physical quality   analysis


    0前言 1

    1研究目的 1

    2研究对象与方法 2

    2.1研究对象 2

    2.2研究方法 2

    2.2.1文献资料法 2

    2.2.2 测试法 2

    2.2.3数理统计法 2

    3研究结果与分析 2

    3.1 各年级之间比较 2

    3.2 各学年之间比较 6

    3.3江科大与江苏省之间对比 7

    3.4部分专项之间对比 8

    4结论与建议 12

    4.1 结论 12

    4.2 建议 12

     致谢 14

     参考文献 14


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