
    摘 要:2009 年6月,教育部与国家体育总局联合成立全国青少年校园足球领导小组, 颁布了《关于开展全国青少年校园足球活动的通知》强调校园足球的大力发展。顿时,校园足球活动在全国各地区如火如荼地开展起来。在中国足球整体陷入困局的当下,社会各界人士对校园足球寄予殷切的期望。有学者认为,校园足球活动的开展有着深远积极的影响,就像一支强心针,令足球界人士与球迷无比振奋。研究认为,作为学校体育的一项主要教学内容,开展校园足球应以学生的身心健康发展为原始前提,勿急功近利。将校园足球与中国足球的发展直接联系。错误地把提高中国足球水平的重担交给发展校园足球。净化学校和社会的足球氛围,理性客观公正地看待发展校园足球的地位与作用。70253


    Abstract: in June 2009, the state sports administration and the ministry of education have jointly established the national youth campus football leading group, issued the notice about the national youth campus football activity emphasized to develop the campus football. At that time the campus football activities like vigorous all over the country. In a dilemma in the whole Chinese football at present, the campus football by social people from all walks of life. Some scholars pointed out that the campus football activities start has a positive and far-reaching influence, just like a arm, make industry players and fans extremely exciting. Studies suggest that as a major of school physical education teaching contents, to carry out the campus football should take students' health of body and mind development as the original premise, don't get rich quick. The campus football directly contact with the development of Chinese football. Error to increase the burden on development of Chinese football level campus football. Purification football atmosphere of school and society, the rational objective and fair view of the development of campus football status and role.

    Key words: the campus football;development;school;teenagers

    目    录

    1. 前 言 - 4 -

    2. 研究对象与研究方法 - 4 -

    2.1  研究对象 - 4 -

    2.2  研究方法 - 4 -

    2.2.1 文献资料法 - 4 -

    2.2.2 访谈法 - 5 -

    2.2.3问卷调查法 - 5 -

    2.2.4数理统计法 - 5 -

    3.研究结果分析 - 5 -

    3.1校园足球的界定 - 5 -

    3.1.1 校园足球的性质 - 6 -

    3.1.2校园足球的定位 - 6 -

    3.2限制校园足球发展的外部因素 - 7 -

    3.2.1 中国足球大环境影响 - 7 -

    3.2.2 学校教育环境的缺失 - 8 -

    3.3限制校园足球发展的内部因素 - 9 -

    3.3.1客观条件 - 10 -

    3.3.2主观认识 - 11 -

    结论与建议 - 13 -

    4.1结论 - 13 -

    4.2建议 - 13 -

    参 考 文 献 - 15 -

    致  谢

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