    摘要本文将扩频通信技术与最小频移键控信号(Minimum Shift Keying)技术相结合,讨论研究直接序列扩频MSK技术(简称直扩MSK技术),综合了二者,兼具信道带宽大、保密性好及抗干扰能力强等特点,在军事和卫星通信领域运用十分广泛。而码同步的研究是信号解扩的必要条件,所以,研究直扩MSK系统的码同步技术具有重要意义。
    关键字  扩频  MSK  捕获  跟踪  MATLAB
    Title  Research on code synchronization technology for DS-MSK system                                          
    This paper combines Spread spectrum communication technology(SSC) and the Minimum frequency Shift Keying signal, discussing direct sequence spread spectrum MSK technology (hereinafter referred to as direct expansion MSK) technology. It has a combination of the two advantages, with all the wide channel bandwidth, the good secrecy characteristics and strong anti-jamming capability, widely used in the field of military and satellite communications. The code synchronization research is necessary for signal dispreading. So, the study of direct expansion MSK system code synchronization technology is of great significance.
    This paper derives the baseband expression of MSK signal first, realizing its signal, focusing on the study of the spread spectrum MSK signal code synchronization technology, including coarse synchronization - code capture technology, and fine synchronization - code tracking technology.
    Code capture technology mainly adopts the matched filtering technique. Threshold Settings bases mainly on Neyman-Pearson signal detection criterion. In this paper, the research also finds that under the large doppler frequency offset, matched filtering correlation peak has a certain impact. Thus, frequency offset estimation based on FFT is adopted. Code synchronization technology uses the digital non-coherent ahead–lay delay phase-locked loop. This paper also discusses the performance of the loop, such as loop jitter, based on the MATLAB simulation.
    Keywords  spread spectrum  MSK  capture  tracing  MATLAB
    目  次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1 课题研究的背景    1
    1.2 国内外研究动态    1
    1.3 论文的主要工作及章节安排    2
    1.4  本章小结    3
    2  直扩MSK调制原理    4
    2. 1  扩频原理    4
    2.2  直扩MSK信号调制原理    5
    2.3  直扩MSK信号的产生    8
    2.4  本章小结    11
    3  直扩MSK的码捕获    12
    3.1  直扩MSK接收机    12
    3.2  匹配滤波器同步捕获基本原理    12
    3.3  基于奈曼-皮尔逊准则的门限判决    14
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