    关键词 连续波多普勒 调频定距 锯齿波 仿真 DSP
    Title    Study on Simulation Technology  of  moving target                                                   detection of target echo signal Based on the DSP                                                 
    Technology has been widely used in military and civil field of high speed moving target detection.This topic is based on the DSP signal processing technology, simulate the target echo signal in the low frequency signal of the different system to detect the RF output in the system, the signal as the signal source can be used for the detector signal processing . In this thesis, the fixed distance system of sawtooth wave FM Doppler is worked over. The expression of the difference frequency signal is particularly speculated and analyzed ,which is mixed by the transmitted signal and received signal in the system. According to the analysis, the basic fixed distance scheme is proposed. The feasibility of the entire system is proved by the Matlab/Simulink simulation.
    We use the method of combining the software and hardware based on DSP through the programming of the sawtooth wave output target echo signal with low frequency,The internal structure of the DSP chip is designed for digital signal processing design,The DSP chip is more suitable for digital signal processing than general CPU,Therefore, the implementation of  method have advantage  in high speed, easy to update algorithm  based on DSP.
    Keywords  Continuous wave Doppler  Frequency spacing  Sawtooth wave   Simulation  DSP                                                     
     目   录    

    1 绪论    1
    1.1 选题的背景及科学意义    1
    1.2本领域的发展概述    1
    1.3 论文工作安排    3
    2 锯齿波调频探测体制    4
    2.1连续波调频探测体制    4
    2.2 锯齿波调频探测体制    5
    2.2.1 调频定距原理    7
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