摘要:本文通过对国内外列车定位系统的现状进行简要分析,提出了基于射频识别RFID(Radio Frequency Identification)技术的列车定位系统。该系统主要由阅读器、电子标签、天线组成。阅读器每隔一定间隔依次固定安放在列车运行线路上,电子标签读写器装于车上,当列车通过时,阅读器读取车载电子标签的信息,通过以太网发送至车站计算机,通过相邻阅读器的信息及数据库中的阅读器位置信息来实现列车精确定位。本毕业论文设计的 RFID 系统能准确确定列车在线路上的位置,并在站场表示图上显示出来,为调度系统提供数据支持,能准确识别时高速运行的车辆,误差几乎为零,可靠性极高,能满足列车的定位要求。基于这一技术成本低、精度高、抗干扰能力强,将会有很好的市场前景。 20711
Design of Train Positioning System Based On RFID
Abstract: This paper briefly analyzed the status quo about the Train Positioning System at home
and aboard. Put forward a kind of train positioning system based on radio frequency
identification RFID. RFID consisted of RFID Reader, RFID Tag and RFID Antenna. The RFID
Reader is fixed one by one in order to put on the train line and RFID Tag is fixed on the train.
When the train passed, RFID Reader receives the information from the RFID tag and sends to
the station computer by Ethernet. The computer can accurate the position of the train according
of the location data in the database and the information from the adjacent RFID Reader.The
RFID train positioning system can accurately determine the location of the train on the line,
display on the station diagram and provide data support for the scheduling system. It can
accurate to identify for the train in high speed and the mistake is close to zero. The system is
very high reliability, to meet the requirements of the train positioning. Based on the technology
of low cost, high accuracy, strong anti-interference ability, there will be good prospects for
Key Words: Train Pos itioning System; Radio Frequency Identification; positioning;
1 绪论 . 1
1.1 国内外现状 1
1.2 RFID 介绍 2
1.3 主要任务和论文结构 2
1.3.1 主要任务 2
1.3.2 论文结构 3
2 方案论证与比较 . 4
2.1 结构的论证与选择 4
2.1.2 两种结构的优缺点 5
2.1.3 系统构成 5
2.2 阅读器位置信息获取方法的论证与选择 7
2.3 控制器模块的论证与选择 7
2.4 存储模块的论证与选择 7
2.5 RFID 模块的论证与选择 7
3 硬件电路设计 . 9
3.1 总体电路设计 9
3.2 接口介绍 9
3.2.1 串行通信UART . 10
3.2.2 串行外设SPI 10
3.3 单片机最小系统 10
3.3.1 电源及其滤波电路 10
3.3.2 复位电路 11
3.3.3 晶振电路 11
3.3.4 JTAG电路 12
3.4 NRF24L01 电路 . 12
3.5 稳压电路介绍 13
3.6 W25Q16BV电路 . 14
3.7 串口通信电路 14
3.7.1 MAX3232 介绍 . 15
3.7.2 MAX3232 引脚 . 15
3.8 GPS模块电路 15
3.8.1 GPS模块特点 . 15
- 上一篇:基于嵌入式系统的ADC接口电路设计
- 下一篇:列车运行过程多目标优化