    Virtual modeling and simulation subway scene
    Abstract: With the rapid development of virtual reality technology and increasingly sophisticated, and its applications are more widely used, and extends to all areas. Currently, virtual reality technology has been widely used in entertainment, health care, education and training, engineering and other buildings. The virtual reality technology used in subway train driving simulation system, using advanced computer simulation technology to effectively train drivers, not only can effectively alleviate the pressures currently facing our country train driving system, and to avoid environmental pollution, reduce energy consumption, reduce training costs, and therefore has a very important significance. Visual system is an important part of the subway train driving simulation system, which is one measure of a simulation system is a key factor in whether or not advanced, and it is an important condition to ensure that the training effect.As a foundation of Virtual-Reality and Visual Simulation, 3D virtual environment is widely used in many fields recently. This paper introduces the popular software of simulation and modeling, as well as their special technology and development flow, researches and stresses on the structure of 3D virtual environment and its modeling method. With the instance of a virtual campus, from the aspect of the scene modeling, it analyzes the effect of the texture past size and the model polygon amount on the operation performance of the system, and puts forward a lot of new realization methods including texture past, LOD, mesh, and other modeling technologies in Creator, to improve the capability of the virtual scene simulation system. In virtual scene drive, it realizes many roam mode using the keyboard, mouse, and other common I/O equipments, to improve the man-machine interaction. In order to make the system support stereo display, it manages the stereo display technology of the virtual scene simulation in Vega. The technologies involved in this paper have significant reference values to the exploitation of other virtual scene simulation systems.
    KeyWords: Virtual reality; Scene simulation; 3D modeling
    1 绪论    1
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    1.2 地铁驾驶系统仿真简介    2
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