    关键词  卫星导航系统 空时自适应抗干扰 功率倒置  Matlab  DSP
    Title   Realization of Anti-Jamming Space-Time Adaptive Algorithm Based on DSP hardware                        
    The satellite signals are susceptible to interferences, so the anti-jamming research is important in improving the performance of Satellite Navigation System. Space-time adaptive anti-jamming technology, which can successfully make up for the shortage of time domain, frequency domain and space domain, has the advantaged of suppressing narrowband interference, wideband interference and multipath interference at the same time. The advantage of STAP is that increasing the degree of freedom without increasing the number of array elements. The power inversion algorithm can suppress interference without the information of the signal direction.. Firstly, realized the algorithm using the  Matlab. From the simulation, the anti-jamming performance comparison between the space domain algorithm and the space-time algorithm is presented  at the situation of single-point frequency interference and multi-frequency interference. Then, realized the algorithm on the VisualDSP++ platform, compared the weight from DSP with the weight from Matlab, and drawing the two-dimensional pattern. The DSP simulation results confirm the fesibility of the Space-time adaptive anti-jamming algorithm.
    Keywords  Satellite Navigation System  Space-time adaptive anti-jamming
              power inversion algorithm   Matlab   DSP
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    研究背景    1
    1.2    自适应抗干扰技术简介    1
    1.3    论文章节安排    2
    2    算法的原理分析    3
    2.1    空时自适应抗干扰算法的最优准则    3
    2.2    空时自适应抗干扰算法的实现    4
    2.3    功率倒置自适应算法    6
    3    算法的Matlab实现    7
    3.1    Matlab程序设计    7
    3.2    Matlab程序仿真与结果分析    8
    4    算法的DSP实现    18
    4.1    DSP技术简介    18
    4.2    算法的DSP实现    19
    4.3    空时算法抗干扰实验    22
    结  论    29
    致  谢    31
    1     绪论
    1.1     研究背景
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