    MATLAB和FPGA技术的发展与应用极大地改变了传统数字系统的实现方法,MATLAB 是一种可以进行编程、数值计算、可视化的交互式环境和高级语言,FPGA是一种可编程逻辑器件,本文所使用的Verilog HDL即是FPGA的编程语言,其过程化编程为设计者带来了极大的便利。
    文中介绍了最佳接收机的统计模型与原理,分析了匹配接收机的基本原理,在此基础上给出了匹配接收机的MATLAB实现,论述了QPSK 信号匹配接收机的Verilog HDL设计,给出了算法思路与设计程序,以及在Altera Quartus II中的仿真结果。此外,本文重点针对匹配滤波器提出了几种优化方法,从匹配滤波器的结构方面入手,针对乘法器、移位寄存器、整体结构等进行了多处优化,根据不同的实际应用背景,相关优化设计能提供一定的参考价值。23522
    关键词  匹配接收机 原理  MATLAB  FPGA  优化
    Title   Research and implementation of the matched filter  receiver                                                
    Matched filter receiver is the best receiver with maximum Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) output, which is broadly used in digital wireless communication system and has a direct and significant influence on the performance of the whole system.
    The development and application of MATLAB and FPGA technology greatly changed the implementation method of traditional digital system. MATLAB is an interactive environment and advanced language that allows programming, calculating and visualization. FPGA is a programmable logic device, of which Verilog HDL used in the paper is the programming Language. The procedural programming of Verilog is a great convenience for the designers.
    The paper introduced the statistical model and the basic principle of the best receiver, analyzed the basic principle of the matched filter receiver, presented the implementation on matched filter receiver based on MATLAB. The key point of the paper focused on the design for matched filter receiver of QPSK signal based on Verilog HDL. The paper analyzed the algorithm and program of Verilog, and presented the simulation results based on Altera Quartus II. In addition, the paper proposed several optimization methods for matched filter, starting from the structural aspects of the matched filter for multipliers, shift registers and the overall structure. Depending on the actual application background, the relevant optimal design can provide some reference value.
    Keywords  matched filter receiver; basic principle; FPGA; MATLAB; optimization
    目   次
    1  引言 1
    1.1  研究的意义与背景1
    1.2  研究前景与设计趋势2
    1.3  本文的研究工作与论文结构3
    2  最佳接收机理论4
    2.1  最佳接收机的统计模型 4
    2.2  最佳接收准则 5
    2.3  本章小结 10
    3  匹配接收机理论 11
    3.1  匹配接收机的原理与模型 11
    3.2  匹配接收机的主要性质 15
    3.3  本章小结 16
    4  匹配接收机的MATLAB实现 17
    4.1  MATLAB程序 17
    4.2  仿真结果与分析 17
    4.3  本章小结 18
    5  匹配接收机的Verilog HDL实现 19
    5.1  Altera Quartus II中Verilog HDL实现匹配接收机仿真过程 20
    5.2  仿真结果与分析 26
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