


    毕业论文关键词  GPS接收机  捕获和跟踪  射频模块  FPGA


    Title   GPS Receiver Design based on MAX2769                     


    GPS (Global Positioning System) can provide real-time positioning and navigation services across the world. Users can easily query time, 3-D coordinates and speed, GPS has been widely used in military and civilian fields. Software-defined receiver is becoming a research hotspot in GPS receiver design because of its excellent flexibility.

    This paper introduced the GPS receiver designed based on software radio. This paper compares the differences on the C/A code capture, in the time domain and the frequency domain, based on the basic principles of GPS; introduces the averaging processing of the input data in capture. This paper studies the principles of the tracing, including PLL tracking loop of pseudo-code and Costas & CPAFC tracking loop of the carrier wave. This paper then introduces the RF module of the GPS receiver, gives codes for chip configuration to achieve the desired output signal format. Finally, this paper gives the GPS receiver block diagrams and the codes for data processing in FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array). The C/A code generation, average down sampling, FFT, square root algorithm and C/A code tracking module are analyzed by Matlab and simulated of waveform.

    Keywords  GPS Receiver  Acquisition and Tracking  RF module  FPGA

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  研究背景及意义 1

    1.2  GPS接收机研究现状 1

    1.3  论文内容及安排 2

    2  GPS基本原理 4

    2.1  GPS信号 4

    2.2  GPS信号调制与解调 7

    2.3  GPS接收机原理 8

    2.4  本章小结 9

    3  GPS信号的捕获、跟踪和同步 10

    3.1  GPS信号捕获 10

    3.2  GPS接收信号的平均下采样 12

    3.3  本地复现C/A码处理 13

    3.4  伪码跟踪环 13

    3.5  载波跟踪环 14

    3.6  GPS导航数据的位同步和帧同步 18

    3.6  本章小结 18

    4  GPS接收机射频模块实现

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