    本文研究重点为平板电脑客户端的界面设计、平板电脑与wifi模块的通信,以及wifi模块和无线数传模块的连接。用Eclipse搭建Android 的集成开发环境,编写平板电脑遥控LED计分显示牌的应用程序软件(APP);采用ESP8266-01型wifi模块与平板电脑通信,并将该wifi模块通过适当的接口设计与APC220-43型无线数传模块相连,然后由STC12C5A60S2单片机通过UART接口与无线数传模块通信来遥控LED计分显示牌,实现了在最大约300m的视距范围内由平板电脑遥控LED计分显示牌;控制比赛得分和倒计时显示及其显示亮度的调节,文中完成了通信应用程序软件和相应单片机软件的设计。25872
    毕业论文关键词  wifi通信,LED计分显示牌,Android应用程序软件(APP),无线数传,遥控系统
    Title  communication application between Tablet and  wireless data transmission module                  
    Communication between the tablet and wireless data transceiver module was mainly applied to the wireless remote control on the score board sign .Connect the tablet and wifi module,then,Wireless digital module be the relay to control LED score sign,realize the function like Real-time display the score, add and subtract points and timing.
    This article focuses on the client interface design of Tablet,the communication between Tablets and wifi module,the connect between Wifi module and wireless data transmission module .Use Eclipse to build integrated development environment of Android system,Write application software (APP) which run on tablet to control LED score sign remotely.Make ESP8266-01 wifi module communicating with tablet and connecting with APC220-43 wireless digital module via the properly interface design.STC12C5A60S2 via the UART interface communicating with wireless data transmission module to  control the LED score sign remotely.Realize remote control LED score sign by tablet within the range of about 300 m.Control the game scores and the adjustment of the countdown display and the display brightness, This article completed the communication application software and the design of corresponding MCU software.
    Keywords  wifi communication,LED scoreboard,Android Applications(APP),the wireless data transfers,remote control system
    目   次
      1   绪论1
      1.1 背景及课题意义1
      1.2 国内研究现状1
      1.3 本文内容安排4
      2   计分牌系统前端总体方案设计5
      2.1 平板电脑操作系统的选择5
      2.2 无线传输通道方案设计7
      2.3 客户端软件设计10
      2.4 本章小结11
      3   无线传输通道的连接电路设计12
      3.1 模块电源电路设计12
      3.2 模块间匹配电路设计12
      3.3 本章小结13
      4   平板电脑客户端软件设计14
      4.1 Android系统架构分析14
      4.2 搭建android应用开发环境16
      4.3 系统软件功能设计17
      4.4 界面处理模块设计22
      4.5 本章小结26
    1  绪论
    1.1  背景及课题意义
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