    关键词 :脉冲体制 特征参数 ZAM分布 伪码
    Title    Study on the extraction method of typical pulse
              pulse signal parameters                     
    In this paper ,the typical pulse signal system are studied, including pulse Doppler signal, pseudo random code phase modulation and pulse Doppler signal and pseudorandom code phase modulation and pulse position composite signal. The purpose of the study is to adapt to the rapid development of the technology of radio fuze. Because the modern battlefield as a result of the rapid development of new technology has been more and more development for the radio of the battlefield, and fuze environment is getting worse, both our own and that of the enemy in order to obtain lower intercept probability and better anti-interference ability, with the fuse modulated signal has become increasingly complex, main performance: the characteristic parameters of the signal more parameters more subtle. The great difficulty to the detection signal. It can quickly and accurately extract the characteristic parameters of fuze signal, has become an important research direction.The main work of this paper includes the following aspects:
    (1)the working principle of some typical pulse signal;
    (2) studied the run length of the PN code of m sequence arrangement rule, is proposed based on run length arrangement of the PN code feature parameter extraction, and PAM pseudo random code, PPM pseudo random code parameter extraction method;
    (3)studied the ZAM distribution and its properties, put forward a method to extract characteristic parameters of phase coded signal based on ZAM distribution;
    (4) according to the pseudo random code and pseudo random code phase modulation signal parameter extraction method was proposed for the extraction of pseudo random code phase modulation and pulse Doppler signal and composite pseudorandom code phase modulation and pulse position modulation signal parameter extraction method.
    (5) using the method of radar to study the extraction of parameters of the pulse Doppler technology.
    Keywords  Pulse system  Feature Parameter  ZAM Distribution   Pseudonoise Code
    目 次
    1  引言    1
    1.1  研究背景与意义    1
    1.2 无线电引信信号参数提取技术    1
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