
    摘 要:当代无损检测技能的其中一个主要的方式为脉冲涡流检测技能,它具备频谱宽,高精度等优势。在本文中,为了实现脉冲涡流测厚体系参数的优化,我们利用COMSOL软件,建立了脉冲涡流测厚体系,我们将剖析思考四种磁性和非磁性原料试件在厚度存在差异的情况下进行测厚仿真,优化后获得仿真成果,同时优化对厚度特点的辨别有作用的衡量参数TC,获得不同厚度材料检测信号的特点及特征判别的根据。68359


    Abstract:Modern NDT technology which is the important method is the pulsed eddy current testing technology, it has a wide spectrum , higher precision and so on. In this paper, in order to realize the system of thickness parameter optimization of pulsed eddy current measurement. We use software COMSOL, only for pulsed eddy current thickness measuring system is established, we can use four kinds of different thickness of magnetic and non-magnetic material specimen for analysis and research on the simulation of thick, and we can optimize the thickness of the discriminant feature of measuring parameters of TC influence, and obtained the optimized simulation results, that the distinguishing features and characteristics of materials with different thickness according to the detection signal.

    Keywords:pulsed eddy current testing technology,thickness measurement,simulation,parameter optimization,discriminant feature


    1 前言 3

    2 脉冲涡流技术简介 3

    2.1 研究现状 3

    2.2 脉冲涡流检测技术介绍 4

    3 脉冲涡流测厚系统理论阐述 5

    3.1脉冲涡流检测原理 6

    3.2 脉冲涡流检测特点 7

    3.3 脉冲涡流检测系统组成成分 7

    3.4 脉冲涡流测厚理论阐述 8

    3.5 脉冲涡流渗透深度剖析 9

    4 建模与仿真 10

    4.1 建立模型 11

    4.2 仿真模型检验 11

    5 测厚技术简介 12

    5.1 COMSOL简介 14

    5.2 COMSOL特点 14

    6 脉冲涡流测厚仿真试验 15

    6.1 模型建立 15

    6.2 参数τ优化仿真 16

    6.3 参数优化结果分析 17

    结论 20

    参考文献 21

    致谢 23

    1 前言


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