



    Title    Design of the reference signal based on GPS module 

      pulse per second                                   


    In this paper, based on the principle of phase-locked loop, design a system composed of GPS signal source and frequency circuit. This paper expounds the design specifications of each module and design principles and ideas. The signal source using GPS module Jupiter21. The doubling circuit by frequency pider, phase locked loop, filter etc.. The GPS output signal frequency by frequency pision processing CPLD, synchronous with the pulse signal to provide the output signal, thus the required. The system adopts the design of pider and integrated phase-locked loop frequency synthesizer with high stability, the frequency synthesizer has the advantages of simple structure, reliable performance, low cost, and its output frequency and frequency interval can be adjusted.

    Keywards: GPS ; phaselocked loop ; frequency pider ; frequency synthesis


    1 引言 2

    1.1 研究背景 2

    1.2 研究的目的和意义 3

    1.3 本文研究的内容 4

    2 锁相环的基本原理 4

    2.1 锁相环的基本工作原理 4

    2.2 锁相环的基本组成 5

    2.2.1 鉴相器 5

    2.2.2环路滤波器 7

    2.2.3压控振荡器 8

    2.2.4 PLL的主要特点 9

    2.2.5 锁相环的主要参数 10

    2.2.6 锁相频率合成基本原理 10

    3  单元电路设计 12

    3.1 GPS信号脉冲模块 12

    3.1.1 介绍 12

    3.1.2 技术说明 13

    3.1.3产品应用 14

    3.1.4结构 14

    3.1.5接口 14

    3.1.6电路结构 17

    3.2 锁相环PLL设计 17

    3.2.1 CD4046介绍 17

    3.2.2电路结构 20

    3.3 可变分频器设计 20

    3.4 滤波电路的设计 22

    3.5 反向整形电路设计 24

    3.6整机电路图 27

    4  PCB板的制作 28

    5  结束语 30

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