    关键词  恒流源  PIC单片机  场效应管  工业
     Title  Industrial Constant Current Source Based On  SCM  
    Industrial constant current source based on MCU is a kind of numerical control dc current source when the load changes within a certain range it has a good stability, low output.It not only represents the development prospect of the dc current source, and will get more extensive application.This design uses PIC18F45K22 as the control core of DC constant current source, adopts the high common-mode rejection ratio low temperature drift of operational amplifier OP07 and high power field effect tube IRF640, by adjusting the grid voltage of MOS tube to control the conduction of MOS tube, and through the feedback control method to realize constant current.Also, we develop three buttons to set the output current of DC power , set up the step of grade 10 ma, and AMPIRE128×64 can show its current value and the actual output current value.The system output current range of 0~2000mA, in the area of industrial LED lights which need stability of small power, it can get good use.
    Keywords constant flow source,PIC MCU,metal oxide semiconductor,industrial
     目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题背景    1
    1.2  国内研究状况    1
    1.3  恒流源与工业LED灯结合的讨论    2
    1.4  设计完成的工作    3
    1.5  章节安排    3
    2  系统方案    5
    2.1  总体方案描述    5
    2.2  恒流模块    5
    2.3  电源模块    6
    2.4  显示模块    7
    3  硬件模块的设计    8
    3.1  主控模块    8
    3.2  D/A转换电路的设计    9
    3.3  恒流源电路设计    11
    3.3.1  OP07芯片的说明及设计应用原理    14
    3.3.2  LM258集成运放的介绍及电路计算    17
    3.4  电源电路模块的设计    19
    3.5  基准电压的设计    19
    3.6  按键电路设计    21
    3.7  显示电路的设计    21
    3.8  硬件PCB图纸的绘制    23
    软件部分的设计    25
    4.1  主程序的设计    25
    4.2  LCD程序的设计    26
    4.3  按键处理程序的设计    26
    4.4  D/A转换子程序的设计    28
    5  系统调试    30
    5.1  系统硬件仿真与分析    30
    5.2  软件调试    32
    5.3  数据以及误差分析    32
    结论    36
    致谢    37
    参考文献    38
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