    摘要随着电子技术的迅猛发展,高速数据采集尤为重要。而USB因其无需配置、即插即用等特性,已得到广泛应用。USB2.0技术只能达到480Mbps的理论带宽,USB3.0将理论带宽提升到5Gbps,解决了USB2.0系统的缺陷[1]。因此,本文设计了基于CYUSB3014芯片的 USB3.0接口电路。33470
    论文首先对本课题研究背景、发展现状和USB3.0总线接口进行了介绍,分析了其传输原理和优势,并根据高速数据传输的设计要求,构建USB3.0+FPGA+SDRAM的系统框架。之后对接口电路的设计做了详细说明,使用PADS9.2设计硬件原理图及PCB版图,开发了USB3.0 的固件,完成了GPIF II 状态机的设计(从FIFO工作模式下),且利用quartusⅡ11.0,实现FPGA端的读写控制,后又基于Visual C++对USB设备应用程序开发。实验结果显示,该电路可以稳定的实现200MB/s的数据传输,能达到高速视频数据传输的要求。
    关键词  USB3.0  CYUSB3014  从FIFO  FPGA  数据传输
    Title   The design of USB3.0 interface circuit based on CYUSB3014
    With the rapid development of electronic technology, high-speed data acquisition is particularly important. Because of the characters of no configuration, plug and play and so on,the USB has been widely used. USB3.0’s theoretical bandwidth to 5Gbps, to solve the defect that USB2.0 can only reach the theoretical bandwidth of 480Mbps. Therefore, this article  designs USB3.0 interface circuit based on CYUSB3014 chip.
    Firstly, this research background, current development and USB3.0 bus interfaces are documented.Then its transmission principle and advantages are analyzed, and USB3.0 + FPGA + SDRAM's framework is built in accordance with the design requirements of high speed data transmission.After that,how to design the interface circuit is  detailed ,including designing  hardware schematics and PCB layout with PADS9.2 . And, develop the firmware of USB3.0 and completethe design of GPIF II state machine (Slave FIFO).In addition, write verilog procedure in quartusⅡ11.0 to control  FPGA side , and then develop the application procedure of the USB based on Visual C ++ . Experimental results show that the circuit can achieve a stable 200MB / s data transfer, can achieve high-speed video data transmission .
    Keywords  USB3.0  CYUSB3014  FIFO  FPGA  data transmission
    目   次
    1  引言 1
       1.1课题背景及意义 1
       1.2发展现状 2
          1.2.1 USB3.0技术特点 2
          1.2.2 USB3.0发展现状 2
       1.3本文研究内容 3
      2  USB3.0接口电路硬件设计  4
       2.1 USB3.0结构原理及控制芯片 4
          2.2.1 USB3.0结构原理 4
          2.2.2 USB3.0控制芯片CYUSB3014 7      
       2.2 USB3.0接口电路原理图设计 8
          2.2.1 USB3.0接口电路总体结构 8
          2.2.2 电源电路   9       
          2.2.3 时钟电路  11  
          2.2.4 启动电路  12
          2.2.5 接口电路  13
       2.3 USB3.0接口电路PCB设计 15
          2.3.1 信同步从FIFO模式 15  
          2.3.2 PCB层叠排布  16
          2.3.3 PCB设计小节  16
    3  USB3.0接口电路软件设计 19
       3.1 电路基本结构 19
       3.2 固件程序 21
       3.3 驱动程序 23
       3.3 应用程序 24
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