    毕业论文关键词  拥塞控制  队列管理  RED   PID
    Title  Research and Implementation of Network Congestion Control Algorithms Based on PID                                                
    In recent years, Internet on the one side presents worldwide trend of rapid development. The number of users and the size of the network is sharply increasing. The number of people that watch the videos and do shopping online is increasing. However, on the other side, Internet congestion actually is more tough and getting worse. Network congestion will result in an extremely negative impact on the network ,which can cause transmission delay, increase data throughput degradation and other issues. In conventional ways, to deal with network congestion, Internet is mainly used TCP end-to-end congestion control. But in the face of rapid growth in business volume, the original TCP congestion control is not an effective way of solving real network problems. Therefore adding a suitable queue management and packet scheduling mechanisms for congestion control in the router becomes the new choice of different researches and gets popular compared to traditional methods.
    The first part of this essay is clarifying the specific definition of network congestion. On the basis of control theory, the second part analyze the TCP / AQM controlled strategy, in which active queue management algorithm— RED algorithm is introduced and analyzed, PID controller then is proposed on the basis of RED algorithm and PID active queue management algorithms. The third part is the part of the experiments and simulations using a simulation tool NS2, which is added PID AQM to extend its functionality based on PI algorithm after adding D algorithm. After that we compare the PID algorithm and RED algorithm performance on different indicators.
    Keywords  congestion control  AQM  RED   PID
     目   次
    1  绪论1
    2  网络拥塞控制机制 5
    2.1  TCP拥塞控制机制 6
    2.2  TCP拥塞控制存在的问题 6
    2.3  IP拥塞控制机制9
    3  主动队列管理算法9
    3.1  控制理论下的TCP/AQM拥塞制9
    3.2  RED算法10
    3.3  PID算法14
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