    Based on machine vision product testing
    Abstract:With the steady development of the society, the improvement of people's living standards, food safety more and more get the attention of people, the production quality has become the focus of manufacturers and suppliers. The huge market demand is driving the mineral water, fruit juice, and many other food and beverage industry rapid development, and beverage bottle packaging quality directly influences the quality of the drink itself safety problems. Using machine vision image detection technology to identify beverage bottle packaging in good condition to reduce the cost of test, improve product quality, to speed up the production speed and efficiency, cost savings. Therefore, for the study of low efficient image detection system is a practical significance.
    For industrial production inspection field, at the same time with high precision, high reliability and good real-time performance detection technology has been unremitting efforts to the pursuit of the goal. This paper studies the beverage bottle packaging defects detection based on image matching technology. First introduced the image in a straight line detection algorithms and non linear detection algorithm; Then according to the actual testing requirement, realized based on MATLAB simulation software, a simulation experiment was carried out.
    KeyWords: Image Matching ;Image Detection ;Hough Transformation ;Edge Detection Algorithm
    1  绪论.    1
    1.1  课题背景及研究意义    1
    1.1.1  课题背景.1
    1.1.2  课题研究意义.2
    1.2  国内外研究现状和水平    2
    1.3  发展趋势    3
    1.4  本文研究的主要内容    4
    2  常用图像的基本几何图形的检测技术    5
    2.1  直线检测技术及其优缺点    5
    2.2  圆检测技术及其优缺点    5
    2.3  椭圆检测技术及其优缺点    6
    3  图像处理     8
    3.1  二值图像    8
    3.2  灰度图像    8
    3.3  RGB彩色图像    9
    3.4  图像增强和复原    9
    3.4.1  图像增强    9
    3.4.2  图像复原    9
    3.5  图像分割    10
    3.6  图像压缩    11
    3.7  图像分析    11
    4  图像检测算法    13
    4.1  边缘检测法    13
    4.2  阀值分割法    14
    5  Hough变换检测基本几何图形原理    15
    5.1  Hough变换检测直线的原理    15
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