    ZPW type - 2000 No Insulation Frequency Shift Automatic Block System Design
    Abstract:ZPW-2000A (UM) frequency shift automatic block is to frequency shift track circuit as the foundation, with the world top technology is a new type of automatic block, in ensuring the interval driving safety at the same time, in improving section by ability, efficiency is very significant.ZPW-2000A (UM) frequency shift automatic block is to frequency shift track circuit based automatic block, it selects the frequency parameters as control information, using method of frequency modulation, frequency information (F0) modulation to high frequency (carrier frequency f0) on, to form the amplitude unchanged, frequency with the amplitude of the low frequency information as periodic variation of the modulation signal.Will this signal with two rails as the transmission channel to control through the signal display, to achieve automatic control of train operation.
    ZPW-2000A non insulated frequency shift automatic block is in of UM71 jointless track circuit technology based on, combined with national conditions, to improve system security, system transmission performance and reliability of the technology and development.Not only inhibited the UM71 system in communication with the security and transmission length with many contradictions, also can realize the whole broken rail detection track circuit, tuning unit break check, beat frequency interference protection and other technical problems.So the ZPW-2000A shift frequency automatic blocking system to improve the anti-interference ability and prolong the length of track circuit.The design should have of ZPW-2000 jointless frequency shift automatic block equipment of the experimental system structure composition and automatic block system adjustment in the station between the station test, application and the track circuit to make detailed analysis, but because of the limited time and condition. ZPW-2000A frequency experiment system of focus shift is internal circuit structure and system running the program compiling, indoor cabinet layout design.
    KeyWords:ZPW-2000A; automatic block; frequency shift circuit; track circuit; internal circuit
    目  录
    1    绪论    6
    2    ZPW-2000A无绝缘移频自动闭塞系统的概述    7
    2.1    ZPW-2000A型无绝缘移频自闭系统特点    7
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