
    The Silicon micromachined gyroscope capacitance detection method as the mainsilicon micromachined gyroscope direction of many companies and research institutes at home and abroad .
    For the capacitive silicon micromechanical gyroscope, mostly in the number of driver amplitude micron dizzy level, amplitude detection is more small, in this tiny amplitude, sensitive capacitance change in fF ~ aF category.In order to improve the capacitive silicon micromechanical gyroscope measurement precision, reduce the gyro zero drift, high signal-to-noise ratio of signal processing method is a particularly important.
    This paper makes a study of the silicon gyro detection signal digital processing method. Particular way is by using the computer software matlab programming method to the micro mechanical silicon gyro closed loop drive signal, detection signal and demodulation signal digital filter.First is the use of matlab software to make the original signal waveform and spectrum,Secondly according to filter using matlab software requirements to design digital filter, and digital filter, draw the digital filter amplitude frequency characteristics of the figure and the filter signal waveform and spectrum diagram,compared to the waveform and spectrum before and after filtering,and finally determine the application of the final filter.
    Keywords:   Silicon  gyro  Digital  processing   Matlab  Digital  filter
    目 次
    1.绪论    1
    1.1 研究的意义    1
    1.2 数字信号处理概述及MATLAB数据处理应用介绍    2
    1.2.1 数字信号处理概述    2
    1.2.2 MATLAB数据处理应用介绍    6
    1.3 本论文内容安排    7
    2.硅微机械角速率传感器理论分析    8
    2.1 硅微角速率传感器工作原理    8
    2.2硅微机械角速度传感器驱动原理    8
    2.3 硅微机械角速度传感器的电容检测原理    9
    2.4硅微机械角速度传感器的数字处理    11
    2.5本章总结    14
    3.硅微角速率传感器驱动信号数字处理    15
    3.1 硅微角速率传感器驱动信号分析    15
    3.2 数字滤波器的参数设置和选取    16
    3.3硅微角速率传感器驱动信号IIR滤波处理    16
    3.3.1 IIR巴特沃斯带通滤波器滤波处理驱动信号    16
    3.3.2 IIR切比雪夫I型带通滤波器滤波处理驱动信号    19
    3.3.3 IIR切比雪夫II型带通滤波器滤波处理驱动信号    20
    3.3.4 IIR椭圆带通滤波器滤波处理驱动信号    22
    3.4硅微角速率传感器驱动信号FIR滤波处理    24
    3.5本章小结    25
    4.硅微角速率传感器检测信号数字处理    26
    4.1 硅微角速率传感器检测信号分析    26
    4.2 数字滤波器的参数设置和选取    27
    4.3硅微角速率传感器检测信号IIR滤波处理    28
    4.3.1 IIR巴特沃斯带通滤波器滤波处理检测信号    28
    4.3.2 IIR切比雪夫I型带通滤波器滤波处理检测信号    29
    4.3.3 IIR切比雪夫II型带通滤波器滤波处理检测信号    30
    4.3.4 IIR椭圆带通滤波器滤波处理检测信号    32
    4.4硅微角速率传感器检测信号FIR滤波处理    34
    4.5本章小结    35
    5.硅微机械角速率传感器解调输出信号数字处理    36
    5.1 硅微机械角速率传感器解调输出信号分析    36
    5.2 数字滤波器的参数设置和选取    37
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