

    毕业论文关键词  模数转化器(ADC)  压缩采样(CS)  无限测量向量(IMV)  多带采样sub-Nyquist采样  稀疏信号重构


    Title    Design of a Wideband Spectrum Sensing System Based on        Quadrature Compressive Sampling             


    Wideband spectrum sensing is the basis of the application of cognitive radio and cognitive radar. However, in the wideband spectrum sensing system, the Nyquist rate is so high that the traditional Nyquist sampling is impractical. Compressive sampling (CS) theory takes advantage of the sparsity of the signal to achieve sub-Nyquist sampling, which significantly reduces the sampling rate. Modulated wideband converter (MWC) is a new method of multiband signal sub-Nyquist sampling in the field of compressed sensing and can acquire the low rate data. However, the MWC’s structure is so complex that the actual hardware implementation needs a lot of devices, and it can not obtain the baseband I and Q components directly. 

    In this paper, we apply quadrature compressive sampling to wideband spectrum sensing, developing the wideband spectrum sensing (QuadWSS) system based on quadrature compressive sampling. The structure can sample signal directly in the intermediate frequency, and the baseband I and Q components can be obtained, so that the system design can be simplified. Theoretical analysis and simulation results show that QuadWSS can effectively achieve the low rate sampling and reconstruction of wideband signals.

    Keywords  Analog-to-digital conversion (ADC)  compressive sampling (CS)   infinite measurement vectors (IMV)   multiband sampling  sub-Nyquist sampling   sparse signal reconstruction

     目   次

    1   绪论  … 1

    1.1  宽带频谱感知   1

    1.2  压缩感知和模信转换  … 2

    1.3  本文主要内容和章节安排  … 6

    2  基于正交压缩采样的宽带频谱感知系统(QuadWSS)   7

    2.1  信号模型   7

    2.2  QuadWSS系统原理  … 8

    2.3  本章小结   12

    3  频域分析与信号重构   13

    3.1  频域分析   13

    3.2  信号重构   18

    3.3  本章小结   21

    4  仿真分析  … 22

    4.1  仿真参数设定   22

    4.2  系统仿真结果   23

    4.3  误差与相关参数分析  … 25

    4.4  本章小结   28

    结论 … 29

    致谢 … 31

    参考文献… 32

    1  绪论

    1.1  宽带频谱感知


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