





    关键词 TCSC,无功补偿,电力系统,仿真模拟


    Title    Dynamic Simulation of Thyristor Controlled   Series Compensation                                      


    The area of our country is large, but there is a serious imbalance in the distribution of energy. Since the electric energy is the most widely used secondary energy, how to transfer the bulk power more efficiently is the question that the grid is facing with. FACTS provides a solution for power transmission. TCSC has received worldwide attention for its flexible and controllable adjustment of line impedance, reactive power compensation and the capacity of improving power system stability.

    This dissertation investigates the TCSC, the main work includes the following.

    (I) The importance of reactive power compensation in power system as well as the development and classification of FACTS is reviewed. 

    (II) The principle of TCSC model, including the structure ,the operating mode and impedance characteristic, is clarified in detail. 

    (III) A TCSC model with constant impedance control is established, and the parameters design and simulation are carried out, considering the single-phase and the three-phase short circuit faults in a system.

    Keywords TCSC, Reactive Power Compensation, Power System, Simulation

    目   次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  研究背景 1

    1.2  无功补偿的内容与意义 1

    1.3  FACTS技术概况 2

    1.4  本论文的主要工作和章节安排 6

    2   TCSC的结构与工作原理 7

    2.1  TCSC的模型 7

    2.2  TCSC的优势 8

    2.3  TCSC的运行原理 8

    2.4  本章小结 15

    3   TCSC的建模仿真 16

    3.1  模拟仿真的概述 16

    3.2  Simulink中的TCSC模块16

    3.3  TCSC的控制模块 17

    3.4  电力系统的模型的建立 20

    3.4  电力系统的仿真 22

    3.6 本章小结 25

    结论  26

    致谢  27


    1 绪论



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