


    关键词  星载AIS  高斯最小频移键控  数字接收机 定时同步 Viterbi解调 


    Title            Research on Demodulation Algorithm   for Space-Borne AIS receiver         


    (Marine) Automatic Identification System, (AIS), traditionally is a kind of communication system used between ship and ship, ship and shore base station. Using the principle of AIS cellular communication, ships can promptly carries on the communication with other vessels and shore base station (regularly port) can real-time control the sailing conditions of ship and accordingly issue scheduling information, which can be achieved on AIS.

    This paper designs a full digital satellite AIS receiver, and shows the digital receiver system block diagram and the algorithm design of each module. The received RF signal first goes through the digital frequency conversion algorithm to baseband, and then channel separation algorithm separates the two AIS channels; Before demodulation, frame head position and carrier frequency offset is needed, and symbol timing synchronization algorithm and accurate estimation of frame head algorithm will meet the accuracy requirements; In the design of receiver, demodulation algorithm is the focus of this topic. After giving simulation of the differential decomposition algorithm and Viterbi demodulation, the demodulation algorithm finally chosen is most suitable for the design of the receiver. At last, it performs evaluation and makes a choice on various parameters.

    Keywords  Space AIS, GMSK modulation, Digital Receiver, Timing Synchronization , Viterbi Demodulation   

    目   次

    1. 引言 1

    1.1 研究背景 1

    1.2 研究现状 1

    1.3 本文工作和章节安排 2

    2. 星载AIS介绍 4

    2.1 星载AIS全局架构 4

    2.2 船载AIS发射机 4

    2.3 星载AIS数字接收机 9

    2.4 本章小结 11

    3. 星载AIS全数字解调研究 12

    3.1 星载AIS数字接收机全局架构 12

    3.2 基带信号处理 13

    3.3 解调算法研究 23

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