

    关键词:单片机MSP430  nRF24L01  无线传输


    Title     The 2.4GHz Wireless Conmmunication System Design                    


    This article describes a wireless communication system based on MSP430 MCU and NRF24L01 design. The system consists of the SCM system, the nRF24L01 a wireless module, power management module, the reset circuit unit circuit. The system used by the wireless transceiver system uses nRF24L01, use of the microcontroller's internal ADC12 analog signal and digital signal conversion, the results of the conversion application internal DMA to temporarily store in FLASH.SPI send nRF24L01. nRF24L01 data received through the wireless send NETUSB2401L through the terminal machine processing and analysis. Its core controller, small size, to achieve low-power microcontroller MSP430. The system is mainly used in real-time wireless transmission of complex test environment pressure, temperature and other signals to the terminal for processing and analysis.

    Keywords: SCM the MSP430  nRF24L01  Wireless transmission

    目   次

    1  引言 1

    1.1  课题的背景与来源 1

    1.2  无线通信系统的优势 2

    1.3  课题的意义 3

    1.4 课题的设计内容及优势 3

    1.4.1  课题的设计内容 3

    1.4.2  课题的优势 3

    2  系统的总体方案设计 5

    2.1  系统的简介 5

    2.2 无线数据通信模块的基本原理 5

    3  硬件电路设计 6

    3.1 电源电路 6

    3.1.1  电路设计 6

    3.1.2  LP2985芯片简介 6

    3.2  复位电路 7

    3.2.1  MAX708芯片简介 7

    3.2.2  复位电路设计 8

    3.3  时钟电路 8

    3.4  无线模块电路 8

    3.4.1  nRF24L01芯片简介 9

    3.4.2  nRF24L01无线模块电路 12

    3.5  单片机模块控制电路 12

    3.5.1  MSP430的简介 12

    3.5.2  MSP430的功能特性 12

    3.5.3  MSP430F5438A的管脚分配

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