



    关键词:辅助驾驶  交通信号灯检测  定位识别  图像处理


    Title       Research of Traffic Lights         Identification and Reminder System           


    In this paper, a vehicular reminder system based on image processing of the traffic light identification is designed, which assists the driver to drive more safely. The system is able to identify the traffic lights effectively and accurately,and reminds drivers to pay attention to the change of the traffic lights in intuitive way, thereby reducing the incidence of accidents and ensure traffic safety. 

    This article mainly aimed at the circular signal light for testing. We get real-time data of intersection into a frame image by on-board camera, then the image is converted to binary image after grayscale conversion. After erosion and dilation processing, edge detection and a series of mathematical morphology operations, traffic lights will be positioned in possible location by extracting specific aspect ratio of the minimum bounding rectangle area. In further, RGB pixel proportion threshold in the corresponding rectangle is set to filter out traffic lights. Identification of targeted traffic lights is realized by converting the partial original image into HSV color space, then comparing to the size of the red, green and yellow of each component. 

    Corresponding image processing experiment has been done in Matlab software, the experimental results show that this method is feasible.

    Keywords  driver assistance, traffic lights detected, location identification,   image processing

    目  录

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  研究背景 1

    1.2  研究现状 1

    2  交通信号灯检测的思路和算法 4

    2.1  路况图像信息采集 4

    2.2  图像预处理 5

    2.3  信号灯的定位和颜色的识别 9

    2.4  输出提醒 13

    3  交通信号灯识别提醒系统的设计与实现 14

    3.1  Matlab简介 14

    3.2  基于Matlab的交通信号灯识别提醒系统 14

    4  系统测试和结果分析 18

    4.1  交通信号灯识别提醒算法测试

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