    毕业论文关键字  冲击波  电荷放大器模块  程控
    Title   A Kind Of Design Of Charge Amplifier Module    For Shock Wave Storage Test
    Aiming at the requirements of shock wave overpressure storage test device in charge amplifier design, this paper introduces a design of a programmable charge amplifier, the charge amplifier is composed by the charge conversion module, filtering module, program-controlled amplification module and inverting output module. Charge transfer module is based on TL081 design, realizes the conversion of charge to voltage, filter module and programmable amplifier module is based on LM4567 chip design, realizes the function of filtering out the high frequency interference and amplification of small signals; inverting output module is based on LF357 chip design, realize the function of processing the signal into a digital circuit form requested.
    This paper designs the high level of integration to meet the requirements of miniaturization, in charge conversion module joins aided design to meet the requirement of anti-jamming, uses high resistance to meet the requirements of low frequency. Finally, this paper uses the programmable design to change sensitivity and magnification to simplify the operation. After the design is completed, the actual circuit board is made and tested. The results show that the design can meet the requirements of the experiment, and the design is feasible and reliable.
    Keywords:Shock wave    Charge amplifier    Programmed
    目   次
    1 绪论    1
    1.1  课题研究背景及意义    1
    1.2  国内外发展现状    1
    1.3  本课题主要工作及内容安排    4
    2  电荷放大器模块的设计要求分析    5
    2.1  冲击波超压测量传感器    5
    2.2设计指标分析    5
    3  电荷放大器模块设计    6
    3.1  放大器总体模块组成及工作原理    6
    3.2  电荷转换模块    6
    3.3  滤波模块    15
    3.4  放大模块    19
    3.5  输出模块    21
    4  实际制板及测试实验    23
    4.1  实验整体设计    23
    4.2  电路板的设计及制作    23
    4.3分模块测量实验    24
    4.4整体测量实验    28
    4.5误差原因分析    29
    结  论    30
    致  谢    31
    1 绪论
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