    In recent years, MCU and embedded technology developed very fast, the major semiconductor manufacturers have introduced the excellent performance of the processor, which greatly promoted the upgrading and development of electronic products. On the basis of using the calculator, the calculator is designed in this paper. First of all, the hardware part of the system was introduced, select the AT89C51 microcontroller as the main control chip, the display part of the use of LCD1602 LCD display, using 4 * 4 matrix keyboard as the input part. Then, the software part of the system is described in detail, including the display module, the keyboard input module and the operation control module. Finally, the keil software programming, to complete the system of comprehensive commissioning and production, the calculator can perform basic arithmetic operations. Finally, the operation process and results of the static display on the LCD LCD1602.
    Key words: single chip microcomputer; LCD; calculator; matrix keyboard
    目  录
    第一章  绪论    1
    1.1选题的意义和背景    1
    1.2设计的目的    2
    1.3本文要完成的主要工作    2
    第二章  系统的硬件方案    3
    2.1主控模块的方案选择    3
    2.2显示模块的方案选择    3
    2.3键盘模块的方案选择    4
    2.4系统总方案    4
    第三章  系统的硬件实现    6
    3.1主控电路的设计    6
    3.1.1单片机的简介    6
    3.1.2单片机的时钟电路    7
    3.1.3单片机的复位电路    7
    3.2显示电路的设计    8
    3.3键盘电路的设计    8
    3.4提示电路的设计    9
    第四章  系统的软件实现    10
    4.1软件程序设计    10
    4.2按键扫描与识别程序分析    11
    4.3按键处理程序    11
    4.3.1运算和点键处理    12
    4.3.2清屏和退格操作    12
    4.4数字键输入程序    13
    4.5 LCD液晶显示程序    14
    4.5.1结果显示函数    15
    4.5.2符号显示函数    17
    第五章  系统调试    19
    5.1 硬件调试    19
    5.2 软件调试    19
    结束语    21
    致谢    22
    参考文献    23
    附录A    24
    附录B    25
    附录C    26
    第一章  绪论
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