    ABSTRACT CPU is a very large scale integrated circuit, which is the core of computer operation and control. With the continuous development of science and technology, but also produced a number of powerful CPU. The intelX86 series is still the most popular in the computer system. With the development of computer and CPU, the memory has been developed rapidly, and the memory in computer system is generally pided into two kinds of serial and parallel. The serial memory has the advantages of low cost and fast and widely used in various types of electronic products, learn how to apply it in a practical system, can deepen our understanding of memory, of the practice ability is beneficial. This topic using AT24C02 serial memory and x86cpu formed a serial storage system and ask me to understand master I2C bus and chip timing and working state, assembly language, but also need to grasp the Proteus of basic operation. Finally, with the help of the teachers and students, I draw the schematic diagram, and can achieve the simulation and can also build the physical circuit, which is a good way to complete this task.
     Key words:8086;AT24C02;I2C;Proteus
    目  录
    第一章 绪论    1
    1.1课题的背景和意义    1
    1.2存储器的分类    1
    1.3 课题的研究内容    2
    第二章 系统总体结构    3
    2.1 8086微型计算机的结构    3
    2.2存储器AT24C02    8
    2.3 8255A工作方式    12
    第三章 硬件设计    14
    3.1 任务要求    14
    3.2 初步分析    14
    3.3 方案论证    14
    3.4 最终方案    16
    第四章 软件设计    17
    4.1 Proteus软件    17
    4.2 程序流程图    18
    4.3 程序结构    19
    4.4 程序的编译与加载    22
    第五章 仿真的调试和实物线路搭建    26
    结束语    28
    致谢    29
    参考文献    30
    附录A    31
    附录B    32
    第一章  绪论
     随着科技的日新月异,计算机技术迅速发展,存储器也得到了迅猛发展。存储器是用来存储各种数据的芯片,是计算机的重要组成部分。串行存储器具有成本低速度快的优点因而广泛运用于各类电子产品,了解如何将其运用于一个实际系统中,可以加深我们对存储器的认识,对我们的实践能力也大有益处。中央处理器(CPU,Central Processing Unit)其实质是一块超大规模集成电路,对计算机具有控制作用,是计算机的运算部件。它可以解释并运行计算机指令,也可以处理计算机软件中的各种数据。随着计算机技术的不断发展,各类功能强大的CPU相继出现。其中Intel X86系列CPU仍是目前微机系统最主流的CPU,课题要求探索串行存储器在Intel X86系列CPU环境下的具体应用,这对培养和训练我们工科大学生在微机接口方面的应用实践能力很有意义。
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