

    毕业论文关键词  双频  双圆极化  微带天线  顺序旋转


    Title    Research on Broadband Mircrostrip Array Antenna with        Dual-Band Circular Polarization                                                 


    With the development of wireless communication devices, circular polarization technology and dual-frequency or multi-frequency technologies have become hot areaes of the antenna field in recent years. In order to obtain better communication quality and higher communication capacity, combining the circular polarization technology and dual-frequency technology has become a trend of antenna. In this paper, on the basis of previous work, a more simple and compact broadband dual-band and dual-circularly-polarized microstrip array antenna is designed. The array is based on the sequential rotation method, using reasonable feed network to realize shared-aperture array antenna with single-layer substrate. In the design, a dual-band linearly-polarized element was determined firstly, then the array based on sequential ratation technique. The electromagnetic simulation software HFSS was used to simulate the model. The  results show that the circularly-polarized bandwidth(AR<2)of the array antenna is 10.34% at 8.22GHz (LHCP), and 13.56% at 11.28GHz(RHCP). Finally, the antenna was fabricated and tested. The measured results roughly agree with the simulated ones.

    Keywords  Dual bands  Dual circular polarizations  Microstrip antennas     Sequential rotation technique

    目    次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  研究背景及意义 1

    1.2  国内外研究现状 2

    1.3  论文内容安排 2

    2  微带天线基本理论 及圆极化技术 2

    2.1  微带天线基本理论 2

    2.2  微带天线的圆极化技术 2

    2.3  本章小结 2

    3  双频线极化单元的研究与设计 2

    3.1  微带天线双频技术 2

    3.2   /4阻抗变换器分析 2

    3.3  双频线极化单元的设计及仿真结果 2

    3.4  本章小结 2

    4  宽带双频双圆极化 阵列天线的研究与 设计 2

    4.1  顺序旋转法的基本理论

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