





    毕业论文关键词:Wilkinson功率分配器 宽带 带状线 多节3dB 


    Title Broadband Wilkinson power pider Research and Design


    Power pider is the indispensable component of microwave equipments such as phased-array radar, multi-channel relay communication system. Broadband power pider such as a phased-array radar’s microwave equipment, key parts of its size and weight are subject to strict limitations. Therefore, the development of small size, lightweight, low cost and good performance of the broadband power pider is not only the practical engineering needs, but also because of phased array radar in spaceborne and airborne systems are an increasingly wide range of applications, Makes this study is particularly necessary and urgent. Therefore, this paper's work has great practical significance.

    In this paper, broadband Wilkinson power pider conducted a preliminary study, after a theoretical analysis, modeling and simulation, do the following tasks:

    (1)Comprehensive and systematic reading about RFID and books on the theory of electromagnetic theory, initially completed the required theoretical basics of research.

    (2)In this paper, power pider systems theory, on which the Wi1kinson power pider conducted in-depth research for broadband at home and abroad for the design-related Wilkinson classic design structure are described.

    (3)the traditional single-3dB power splitter has been improved, increased bandwidth, to design a multi-section broadband 3dB power splitter, the power distributor with Agilent's ADS simulation software in the 1.45-2.15GHz band can be met within the scope of good performance indicators, input and output ports are to achieve a good match.

    Key word:Wilkinson power pider,stripline,broadband,multi-section 3dB

    目 录

    第1章 绪论 1

    1.1 选题背景及意义 1

    1.2 研究现状和发展趋势 1

    1.3 功分器理论概述 4

    1.4 设计中使用的软件介绍 6

    第2章 电磁学基础 8

    2.1 电磁场基本理论 8

    2.2 带状线 9

    2.3 S参数 10

    2.4 传输线 11

    第3章 宽带Wilkinson功分器

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