



    毕业论文关键词  拥塞控制  主动队列管理  PI算法


    Title  Simulation analysis of PI control byte mode and packet mode                                               


    After decades of rapid development,the computer network has been used widely.Today ,the fast development has created a system of such a magnitude,also to the current computer network has brought a lot of defects which can not be avoided.Rapid growth of network capacity can not meet even more rapid growth of user demand,many bottlenecks arise,therefore.one of which is the network congestion.Phenomenon usually is:the actual effective throughput decreases,the network delay grows,etc,even network crash when serious.

    To solve this problem,there have been many historical network congestion control algorithms.the focus of current research is the active queue management(AQM) algorithm.

    This paper describes the causes of network congestion and the research history and present situation .Then introduced the PI congestion control algorithm in byte mode and packet mode simulation and performance analysis.

    Keywords  Congestion Control   Active Queue Management  PI Algorithm

    目   次

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 网络拥塞控制的研究意义 1

    1.2 网络拥塞定义 1

    1.3 网络拥塞控制研究的历史 2

    1.4 网络拥塞的研究现状 6

    2 TCP/IP拥塞控制策略 7

    2.1 TCP层的拥塞控制机制 7

    2.1.1 TCP拥塞控制简介 7

    2.1.2 TCP拥塞控制的四个组成阶段 8

    2.1.3 TCP拥塞控制的不足之处 9

    2.2 IP层的拥塞控制机制 10

    2.2.1 IP层拥塞控制的意义 10

    2.2.2 队列调度算法 11

    2.2.3 主动队列管理(AQM)算法 12

    2.2.4 AQM算法的性能指标 15

    2.3 本章小结 16

    3 PI算法基本原理简介 17

    3.1 PI控制器 17

    3.2 自适应PI控制器 18

    3.3 PI算法的原理 19

    4 AQM中PI控制的字节模式和包模式

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