

    毕业论文关键词  离散  通信系统  信息传输率  熵  维拉图


    Title   Research and program design the relationship between  

             information transmission rate and various entropy of 

             the discrete communication systems                    


    Information transfer rate and various entrory are an important part of the information transmission theory. This paper first generally described the broad concept of the information and communication system model, then introducing the Shannon definition of information and metrics, source and channel of the mathematical model and classification, focusing on deriving zhe relationship between information transmission rate and various entropy of the discrete communication systems. Software design process through the MFC in the known Communication System source output probability distribution and the probability of the transmission channel conditions, to achieve input entropy, output entropy, loss entropy, noise entropy, joint entropy and average mutual information (namely, information transmission rate) is calculated, and by Villa figure, the relationship is qualitative and quantitative displayed. 

    Keywords  Discrete  communication system  information transfer rate     

              entropy  Vera figure

    目   次

    1  绪论  1

    1.1  信息的广义概念  1

    1.2  通信系统模型  1

    2  相关基础理论及知识  3

    2.1  香农信息的定义及度量  3

    2.2  信源的数学模型及分类  4

    2.3  信道的数学模型及分类  6

    2.4  平均互信息  9

    2.5  离散无噪信道的信息传输率与各类熵之间的关系  12

    3  方案选择与程序设计  14

    3.1  方案选择  14

    3.2  工程建立  14

    3.3  界面设计、控件变量设置及说明  16

    3.4  各控件模块的设计及功能说明  19

    4  程序的调试与运行 27

    结论  36

    致谢  37

    参考文献 38

    附录A  控件变量表  39

    1  绪论


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