

    RED网关保持低的平均队列长度,同时允许队列中偶尔的突发的分组。在拥塞发生时,网关通知一个特定的连接来减少其窗口的概率与通过网关的带宽和连接的份额大致成正比。RED网关的目的是辅助一个传输层的拥塞控制协议(如TCP)。RED网关没有偏见的突发性流量,避免了与全球同步的连接,同时降低了窗口的数量。RED网关的性能可以通过使用TCP / IP的网络模拟来说明。

    毕业论文关键词  RED网关    拥塞    


    Title   The Comparison of RDE and Droptail                           

    Abstract This paper presents Random Early Detection (RED) gateways for congestion avoidance in packet-switched networks.The gateway detects incipient congestion by computingthe average queue size. The gateway could notify connections of congestion either by dropping packets arriving at the gateway or by setting a bit in packet headers. When the average queue size exceeds a preset threshold,the gateway drops or marks each arriving packet with a certain probability, where the exact probability is a function of the average queue size.

    RED gateways keep the average queue size low while allowing occasional bursts of packets in the queue. During congestion, the probability that the gateway notifies a particular connection to reduce its window is roughly proportional to that connection’s share of the bandwidth through the gateway. RED gateways are designed to accompany a transport-layer congestion control protocol such as TCP.The RED gateway has no bias against bursty traffic and avoids the global synchronization of many connections decreasing their window at the same time. Simulations of a TCP/IP network are used to illustrate the performance of RED gateways.

    Keywords  RDEgateway     congestion avoidance


    1  引言 5

    2  目前国内外对于网络拥塞的研究概况 6

    3  互联网拥塞控制相关研究 8

    3.1 基本概念 8

    3.2 互联网拥塞控制机制 11

    4  RED算法和Droptail算法 11

    4.1  Droptail算法 12

    4.2  RED算法 12

    5  NS2仿真平台设计 14

    5.1  仿真软件NS-2的简单介绍 14

    5.2  NS-2下的仿真设计 16

    结论 22

    致谢 23

    参考文献 24

    1  引言


    网络拥塞(congestion)是指在分组交换网络中传送分组的数目太多时,由于存储转发节点的资源有限而造成网络传输性能下降的情况。网络拥塞导致的直接后果是整个网络的性能下降:包括分组丢失率增加、端到端延迟增大、网络吞吐量下降、甚至有可能使整个系统发生拥塞崩溃。当网络处于拥塞崩溃状态时,微小的负载增量都将使网络的有效吞吐量急剧下降。 造成网络拥塞的原因很多,主要有:存储空间不足、带宽容量不足、处理器处理能力弱、TCP/IP协议拥塞控制机制中的缺陷、用户的恶意攻击造成的网络拥塞、以及网络系统的混沌、分叉等现象都会导致网络通讯的崩溃。 论文网

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