
    摘要:对于传统的电源各种缺点的现状,以及人们对智能稳压电源的需求,本文设计的是智能直流稳压电源,它由控制模块、稳压输出模块、按键处理模块、显示模块和供电模块这几个部分构成。降低因元器件老化等原因造成的输出误差由数控直流稳压源控制,最大输出电流500mA,最高输出电压12V,电流、电压步进都为0.1v。控制核心是硬件电路单片机,控制电路是单片机控加上反馈电路组成的,在软件方面单片机能比较准确控制输出电流。因为单片机作为控制核心,它会对输入的数据进行各种计算,去掉和减小误差,加上有微机控制使得稳压电源智能化,可控制。本系统可靠性比较高、体积相对来说比较小、操作方便,最重要的是人机能进行更好的交流。通过网络能进行更好的控制。       50925          


    Digital readout voltage-stabilized source

    Abstract: For the shortage of traditional power supply and the development of digital power technology, this paper designs the intelligent DC regulated power supply,, the design by the control module, voltage output module, key processing module, display module and power supply module is composed of five parts. Accurately said that the power supply module to provide each chip power supply, LCD required voltage; the size of the power supply output voltage display circuit. Reduce the output error due to aging and other reasons caused by the NC DC power supply control, the maximum output current 500MA, the maximum output voltage of 12V, current, voltage has a step of 0.1. The control core is the hardware circuit single chip microcomputer, the control circuit is the single chip microcomputer control principle, and the feedback circuit is composed of, in the software aspect monolithic computer is used to realize the accurate control of the output current. The system has the advantages of high reliability, small size, simple operation and friendly man-machine interface

    Key word: Numerical Control; Numeric display  Direct Current Step-by-step control


    摘要 1

    引言 2

    1.智能稳压电源的前瞻 2

    1.1 研究的背景以及现状 2

    1.3 解决方法 2

    2. 总体设计方案的选择 3

    2.1 方案设计 3

    2.2 方案选择 4

    2.3引起稳定电源输出不稳定的原因 4

    3. 硬件电路设计 4

    3.1 主电路模块 4

    3.2 供电模块 5

    3.3  稳压输出模块 6

    3.4显示模块与控制模块 8

    4.系统软件设计 11

    4.1主程序电路设计 11

    4.2 过流保护电路设计 13

    5. 仿真图 13

    6. 结束语 14

    附录 15

    附录1电路原理图 15

    附录2主程序 16

    致谢 23




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