


    Abstract:Closed control system for automatic garage door, it is characterized by the garage and garage are equipped with a main controller, and a passwordidentification device installed in the vehicle. The main controller is mainly composed of MCS-51 series single chip, 315M wireless transceiver module,PT2262/PT2272 codec chip, keyboard, digital tube. The password identificationdevice by the wireless transmitter and PT2262 encoding chip. The address codechip PT2262 and PT2272 must meet the same. The circuit when the role of thecar to the garage door the single-chip receives the car to the signal, press the button to make PT2262 power electricity, wireless transmission module, thePT2262 encoder in the address and data are transmitted to the PT2272 decoder,and the decoder output is connected to the microcontroller P3.3, judge whether data transmission consistent through the microcontroller, if the decoder is transmitted to the SCM data exactly, the motor will rotate in the garage, the garage door. Effect of electronic password lock can be through inputting the correct password to control motor starting to open the garage door

    Keyword:Electronic password lock,microcontroller,wireless transceiver module,PT2262/PT2272 codec chip   


    1 引言 4

    1.1设计的背景 4

    1.2 设计的目的 4

    2 设计框架 4

    2.1 设计的基本内容 4

    2.2 设计并制作一个无线自动门电路 4

    2.3 基本模块 5

    3 系统的总体设计 5

    3.1 单片机 5

    3.1.1 单片机的说明及应用 5

    3.1.2 单片机的结构特点 6

    3.1.3 单片机的引脚配置 6

    3.2 4×4 行列式扫描键盘 8

    3.2.1 键盘工作原理 8

    3.2.2 键盘工作方式 9

    3.3 PT2262/PT2272编码解码芯片 10

    3.3.1 PT2262/PT2272编码解码芯片原理 10

    3.3.2 PT2262特点及应用 13

    4 系统软硬件设计 14

    4.1 主要电路图 14

    4.1.1 单片机最小系统电路 14

    4.1.2 键盘电路 14

    4.1.3 数码管显示电路

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