
    摘 要:当前我们正处于数字化时代,数字信号处理技术的理论及算法随着计算机技术和微电子技术的发展得到了飞速的发展。目前数字信号处理技术在各个领域内被广泛应用,尤其是数字滤波技术。56893

    数字滤波器的设计实质上是计算滤波器的系统函数,而传统的数字滤波器设计过程中需要大量繁琐的数值计算,手工计算费时费力。在分析了IIR和FIR数字滤波器的基本设计理论和基于MATLAB 的图形用户界面( GUI) 设计的基础上,设计了具有人性化的交互式IIR和FIR滤波器设计软件。用户只需要输入设计滤波器所需的参数,然后选择相应的功能菜单,就可以得到相应的滤波器特性,即可对滤波器进行性能分析。该设计解决了滤波器设计过程中大量繁琐的数值计算问题,为IIR和FIR滤波器的研究设计提供了有效的辅助工具。


    Abstract: We are in the digital era currently, and digital signal processing technology has been widely concerned while its theory and algorithm is rapidly developing with the popularity of computer and microelectronics technologies. Nowadays the digital signal processing technology is widely used in various fields, especially the digital filtering techniques.

    The essence of designing digital filters is to calculate the system functions of the filters. Traditional process of designing digital filters requires tremendous tedious numeric calculations while it is a cost of time and energy to calculate manually. Based on the analysis of the basic theories of IIR and FIR digital filters and the Graphic User Interface (GUI) based on MATLAB, an IIR and FIR filters designing software is constructed which is humane interactive. To achieve specific features of the filters and analyze the performance of the filters, users need to input required arguments and choose corresponding function menus. This design solves the problems of the tremendous tedious numeric calculations in the process of designing filters which provides an effective assistance tool to the discussion and design of IIR and FIR filters.

    Keywords: IIR digital filters,FIR digital filters,MATLAB,Graphic Users Interface

    目  录

    1 绪论 3

    1.1 课题研究背景与目的 3

    1.2数字滤波器的概述 3

    1.3 数字滤波器的发展动态 4

    1.4 MATLAB简介 4

    2 FIR数字滤波器的设计 5

    2.1 FIR 数字滤波器设计理论基础 5

    2.1.1 FIR滤波器的原理 5

    2.1.2 FIR滤波器的基本结构 6

    2.2 FIR 数字滤波器设计方法 8

    2.2.1频率采样法 8

    2.2.2窗函数法 8

    2.3 FIR滤波器的MATLAB 设计 9

    3 IIR数字滤波器的设计 10

    3.1 IIR数字滤波器的理论基础 10

    3.1.1 IIR滤波器的原理和特性 10

    3.1.2 IIR 滤波器的基本结构 10

    3.2 IIR 数字滤波器设计方法 12

    3.3 IIR 滤波器的MATLAB 设计 12

    4 基于MATLAB的图形用户界面(GUI)设计 13

    4.1 GUI界面设计概述

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