

    毕业论文关键词  物联网技术   通信技术   交互   用户   电网


    Title    The Design of Interactive Information Processing Module Based on Communication Technology of The Internet of Things


    The technology of the Internet of things is an extension and expansion of Internet technology. The terminal of information exchange and communication will be extended to any goods and articles. With the development and application of communication technology of the Internet of things, it becomes possible for users and power grid to interact. Due to the increasing demand of user interaction, it is very meaningful and promising to pay attention to the interaction of service and study of interactive information processing module. In this paper, we introduce the application of   communication technology of the Internet of things and the concept of interaction design. Based on the theory of communication technology of the Internet of things, we analyze the two-way interactive data interactive information module between users and power grid and research the design method of interactive information processing module. At last, according to the design idea, we use Matlab software to design a simple interactive information processing module of two-way interaction between   users and power grid. 

    Keywords  the technology of the Internet of things;   communication technology;     interactive;    users;    power grid

    1  引言1

    1.1  物联网的发展1

    1.2  信息交互系统的发展2

    1.3  本文的主要工作5

    2  物联网通信技术与交互设计6

    2.1  物联网的起源6

    2.2  物联网的基本定义6

    2.3  物联网的基本特征 7

    2.4  物联网的技术体系8

    2.5  电力系统中的物联网应用技术10

    2.6  交互设计12

    2.7  本章小结15

    3  双向互动信息服务模块分析 16

    3.1  智能用电新型服务16

    3.2  双向互动系统通信技术分析16

    3.3  互动式智能用电服务系统19

    3.4  本章小结21

    4  双向互动信息服务模块设计23

    4.1  设计方案23

    4.2  关于MATLAB GUI设计24

    4.3  用户侧模块的MATLAB GUI设计24

    4.4  电网侧模块的MATLAB GUI设计34

    4.5  本章小结40

    5  仿真运行41

    5.1  以用户侧模块为例41

    5.2  以电网侧模块为例46

    5.3  本章小结50

    结论  52

    致谢 53


     1  引言

    1.1  物联网的发展


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