


    毕业论文关键词  光子晶体   微腔   品质因数


    Title   Optical microcavity based on photonic crystal slab

    Abstract With its excellent performance and broad application prospects, Photonic crystal become a hot research on which researchers at home and abroad concentrate in recent years. Theoretical analysis, preparation methods and new optoelectronic devices about photonic crystal microcavity are emerging. And its most outstanding feature is the photonic band gap. The light in the photonic band gap can not propagate in the photonic crystal. If defects are introduced, the defect states will be permitted in the band gap, which can be used to create many new optoelectronic devices.

    It describes the photonic crystal historical background and research status, explains its theoretical basis, using the plane wave expansion method, finite difference time domain method on a computer-based planar photonic crystal optical microcavity structure and properties of the simulation, with reference to previous photonic crystal microcavity merits further by optimizing the microcavity structure design to improve the quality factor of microcavities.

    Keywords  photonic crystal   cavity   quality factor

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  光子晶体发展背景及历史 1

    1.1.1  微电子的危机 1

    1.1.2  光子芯片的曙光 2

    1.2  光子晶体概述 2

    1.2.1  光子晶体的基本概念 2

    1.2.2  光子带隙 4

    1.2.3  光子晶体材料 5

    1.2.4  光子晶体结构的形成 5

    1.2.5  光子晶体的应用 6

    1.3  本文的工作 6

    2  光子晶体的理论计算方法 7

    2.1  平面波展开法 7

    2.1.1  麦克斯韦方程组平面波解 7

    2.1.2  光子带隙的物理原理 9

    2.2  有限差分时域法 10

    2.3  传输矩阵法 12

    2.4  几种方法的比较 14

    2.5  本章小结 15

    3  高Q值光子晶体微腔的设计 15

    3.1  光子晶体微腔的原理 15

    3.2  光子晶体微腔的设计 16

    3.2.1  完整光子晶体的设计

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