





    毕业论文关键词  电力线通信  信道特性  资源分配   注水原理


    Title  The Design and Simulation of Algorithms for Resource  Optimization Allocation in Power-line Network

    Abstract With the development of smart grid,it is of great significance to research power-line communications(PLC) system as a support platform.Based on the impressive research and survey on the development of dynamic resource optimization allocation for PLC systems,the study of this dissertation was focused on:

    (1)According to the model of high-frequency transmission characteristics and the noise power spectrum in the power-line channel,the required parameters and fitted curves were obtained in order to create mock PLC environment platform .

    (2)A minimum bit error rate(BER) algorithm based on the optimal principles of system BER performance was proposed and tested in power-line channel.

    (3)A bit-loading algorithm for rate adaptation based on the comparison of water-filling line was proposed for the single-user PLC systems.and then it was tested in some typical power-line channel environment.

    The simulation results indicate that they almost have the optimal performances on themselves  resource allocation aims with low implementation complexity. 

    Keywords  power-line communications  channel characteristics  resource allocation   water-filling principle

    1 引言 1

    1.1 选题背景 1

    1.2 研究现状 2

    1.3 研究意义 3

    1.4 论文的主要研究内容及章节安排 4

    2 研究理论和系统仿真工具 5

    2.1 电力线通信系统的原理 5

    2.2 自适应正交频分复用技术概述 6

    2.3 单用户系统自适应资源分配的理论基础 7

    2.4 电力线通信系统仿真工具 8

    2.5 论文的主要工作和任务 9

    2.6 本章小结 9

    3 电力线系统通信平台的构建 10

    3.1 多用户PLC访问接入网图例分析 10

    3.2 电力线系统通信平台的构建 11

    3.3 本章小结 14

    4 电力线通信系统中的用户资源分配算法设计与仿真 15

    4.1 基于系统误比特性能最优的算法设计与仿真 15

    4.2 单用户资源分配算法的设计与仿真

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