
    摘要随着信息技能和计算机技能的飞速生长, 计划并实现了基于FPGA的数字多成果相位测试仪,针对相位测量体系的各个关键举行了研究。别的根据电力体系的特性以及现场人员实际运用的必要,增长了电流、电压测量成果,本文利用FPGA为核心的数据收罗和信号处置电路,数字信号处置技能己经渐渐生长成为一门要害的科学技能。把它运用到电力体系的相位测定内,此文能够参照电力体系内相位的测定需求,完成对2路工频正弦讯号的相差测定,以此为探究目标。其前提为,对境内和境外多类相位测定体系,实施深刻的剖析。而且不停生长成熟的单片机技能,参照电力体系内,相位测定的任务过程,对体系建立板块。划为讯号调整板块、数值搜集与处置板块、液晶展示板块,对各个板块实施计划。使得单片机在数字信号处置中得到大量的应用,将相位表的成果举行拓展。62194


     Testing FPGA Devices on an Automatic Test Equipment

    Abstract: With the rapid development of information technology and computer technology, digital signal processing technology has been gradually developed into a key science and technology. And the continuous development of mature single-chip technology, making the MCU in the digital signal processing to get a lot of applications. In this paper, the data acquisition and signal processing circuit based on FPGA is used to design and implement a digital multi function phase measurement instrument based on FPGA, which is applied to the phase measurement of power system. This paper is according to the need of phase measurement in power system, two power frequency sine signal phase difference measurement for the purpose of the study, in the in-depth analysis to the domestic and foreign various phase measurement system based on, for various aspects of the phase measurement system were studied. According to the working process of phase measurement in power system, the system is modularized, which is pided into signal conditioning module, data acquisition and processing module, LCD module, and the design of each module. In addition, according to the characteristics of power system and the need of the actual application of the field staff, the function of the phase meter is extended, and the function of the current and voltage measurement is increased.

    Key words: phase measurement; FPGA; design

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 选题背景与意义 1

    1.2 相位测量技术的发展现状 2

    2 相位测量相关理论 3

    2.2.1 示波器法测量相位差 4

    2.2.2 补偿法测量相位差 6

    2.2.3 频率变换法测量相位差 6

    2.2.4 数字化测量相位差 7

    3 系统实现方案 9

    3.1 相位测试仪整机概况 9

    3.2 硬件电路实现方案 12

    3.3 钳形电流传感器 22

    4 NiosII软件设计 23

    4.1 幅度测量部分 25

    4.2 相位测量部分 27

    4.3 键盘扫描程序流程 29

    4.4 LCD显示程序流程 30

    5 系统调试 32

    5.1 测试结果 32

    5.2 相位表调试

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