
    摘要:道路分割是基于图像分割的一种技术,并且它是一项非常重要的在数字图像处理中,首先要说的就是图像分析,它在计算机视觉中属于最基本的部分,图像理解是它最重要的一部分,在多个领域中也是一个十分重要和苦难的问题,多年来一直受到研究人员的高度重视。 如果想要实现道路分割的话,仿真实现主要运用MATLAB软件,主要方法为阈值法,全局阈值法和局部阈值法有高运算效率,被广泛采用在图像分割中。本文主要是讲解了阈值分割算法、区域生长算法、分裂合并算法以及边缘检测算法。首先是这项课题的意义为什么研究这个课题和国外一些先进技术理论下的研究情况。然后介绍了阈值分割、区域增长,分割图像分割的基本原理和MATLAB仿真结果和边缘检测算法。根据MATLAB效果图来看的话,不同种类的图像分割算法有它们的独到之处和且应用的话需要在一定的条件下才能完成。由于,在一个道路分割,先要对一个图像进行分析,然后选择一个合适的并且操作起来比较简便的算法,这样我们才能得到想要的分割效果。62242


    Language Learning

    Abstract:Road segmentation is a kind of segmentation technology based on image segmentation, image segmentation is a key technology in digital so on a very important and difficult problem, over the years has always been the great attention of researchers. In order to realize the road segmentation, mainly using the MATLAB software simulation implementation, main methods of threshold value  

    method, this method is simple, has high computing efficiency, is widely used in image segmentation methods, mainly pided into the global threshold method and local threshold value method.

         Paper summarizes the threshold segmentation, region growing, split the merged image segmentation and edge detection algorithm. First this paper introduces the research significance of image segmentation and the research status at home and abroad. Then introduced the threshold segmentation, region growing, split combined the basic principle of image segmentation and edge detection algorithm simulation results and the MATLAB. Finally this paper introduces the MATLAB photo with boundary surface design. MATLAB simulation results show that all kinds of image segmentation algorithms have their advantages and disadvantages and applicable scope. Because of this, before on a choose the right segmentation algorithm, in this way can we get a satisfactory segmentation effect.

    Key Words:Road segmentation;Threshold value method;MATLAB;Watershed algorithm

     1 引言 2

    1.1本课题研究的意义和目的 2

    1.2国内外研究现状与水平 2

    1.3发展趋势 3

    2. 基于图像的道路分割基本理论 4

    2.1图像分割的概念 4

    2.1图像分割的体系结构 5

    2.3 图像分割方法分类 5

    2.3.1阈值分割方法 5

    2.3.2边缘检测方法 7

    2.3.3 区域提取方法 7

    2.3.4分水岭算法 8

    2.3.5 结合特定理论工具的分割方法 9

    3. 基于MATLAB的图像阈值分割算法的研究 10

    3.1 人工阈值选择法 10

    3.2 自动阈值选择算法

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