






    毕业论文关键字:信道编码 ,循环码, RS码, BCH码

    Performance Simulation based on MATLAB cyclic codes and sub-codes

    ABSTRACT:The purpose of channel coding is based on the identification code stream intercepted, even only in case there is no a priori information to identify only the coding parameter capture stream. Channel encoded identification signal is a typical problem solving inverse problems. With the continuous development of digital communication technology, people communication system adaptive put forward higher requirements. Channel coding recognition technology is the basis for intelligent communication technologies. In addition, the investigation in the field of communications, channel coding technology is identification information from the signal layer to layer further basis for many practical coding techniques also will produce. It is anticipated that in the future the Internet information age, channel encoding will get more development, and access to a wider range of applications. Therefore, its research and development work will have high value and far-reaching significance.

    Keywords:Channel coding,;Cyclic codes; BCH codes; RS codes

    目 录

    第一章 绪论 5

    1.1研究背景及意义 5

    1.2研究历史及发展现状 7

    第二章 数字通信系统 8

    2.1数字通信系统的信道模型 8

    2.2纠错编码基础 9

    2.2.1纠错编码的基本概念和分类 9

    2.2.2差错控制系统的分类 11

    2.2.3信道编码定理 12

    第三章 循环码基础 13

    3.1分组编码的基本概念和性质 13

    3.1.1分组编码 13

    3.1.2二进制线性码 15

    3.1.3一致校验矩阵 15

    3.1.4生成矩阵 16

    3.1.5二进制线性编码器 17

    3.1.6二进制线性解码器 18


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