
    摘要WIFI(Wireless Fidelity)技术是IEEE定义的一个无线网络通信的工业标准IEEE802.11,是由AP和无线网卡组成的无线网络。由于其具有价格低廉、传播距离远、带宽较宽、传播速率高等特点,已经广泛应用于医疗保健、商用航空、物联网、汽车制造等诸多领域,WIFI技术广阔的应用前景促使大量资源投入该技术的研究,促进了该技术的快速发展。天线作为辐射和接收射频信号的设施,在整个无线网络通信系统中起到至关重要的作用,因此对WIFI天线的研究具有深远的意义。63599


    毕业论文关键词  WIFI  微带天线  双频  全向  共面波导


    Title    WIFI  Antenna  Design                           


    WIFI (Wireless Fidelity) technology is a wireless network defined by IEEE Communications industry standard IEEE802.11, is composed by the AP and the wireless network card wireless network. Because of its low price, propagation distance, wide bandwidth, and high transmission rate, has been widely used in health care, commercial aviation, networking, automotive and many other fields,WIFI technology broad application prospects prompted a lot of resources into this technology research, and promote the rapid development of the technology. Antenna radiating and receiving RF signals as the facilities in the entire wireless network communication systems play a crucial role, so the WIFI antenna research has broad significance.

    The paper describes a detailed exposition of the basic theory of antennas, and antenna parameters on the antenna performance made a brief introduction, also introduced the theory of microstrip antenna.

    Keywords WIFI  microstripantenna  dual  omnidirectional  coplanar -waveguide

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  选题的背景和意义 1

    1.2  WIFI技术的发展历史 2

    1.3  微带天线的发展 3

    1.4  WIFI的应用及研究现状 4

    1.5  本论文的主要工作 6

    2  天线基础理论 6

    2.1  引言 6

    2.2  天线及其辐射场 7

    2.2.1  近区场 8

    2.2.1  近区场 8

    2.3  天线参数 9

    3  微带天线理论 13

    3.1  微带天线的结构与分类 13

    3.2  微带天线的辐射原理 14

    3.3  微带天线的馈电方式 15

    4  双频全向天线的研究与设计 17

    4.1  引言 17

    4.2  天线的结构与设计 18

    4.3  天线的尺寸及仿真结果 20

    4.3.1  天线模型及尺寸 20

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