




    毕业论文关键词  MSP430F149 多功能 键盘 HY-SRF05 DS18B20 LCD1602 


    Title  The design of multi-functional ultrasonic measuring instrument based on SCM


    This topic centers SCM. Using ultrasonic ranging module, we design a multi-functional measuring instrument, which can measure area and volume in addition to distance.

    This multi-functional measuring instrument is based on ultrasonic ranging, conventional one-way ranging is modified into bilateral ranging, and then repeated measurements for the calculation of area and volume are carried out.

    Hardware circuit includes MSP430F149 minimum system board, ultrasonic ranging module, temperature measuring module, keyboard module, LCD display module; these modules are connected around the system board and tested inpidually before the overall adjustment.

    In this task, c language is used and the program is downloaded to the hardware directly for debugging. The system can measure the temperature first, after the button is pressed, the measurement begins, at last, the

    results are displayed on the LCD. We find that the results are correct and reach the expected target.

    Keywords  MSP430F149 multi-function keyboard HY-SRF05 DS18B20 LCD1602 


    1. 绪论 1

    2. 系统方案论证 2

    2.1 采用超声波测距 2

    2.2 采用MSP430F149 3

    3.系统硬件电路 3

    3.1 时钟电路 3

    3.2 单片机复位电路 4

    3.3 超声波测距电路 6

    3.4 显示电路模块 7

    3.5按键电路模块 8

    3.6温度测量电路模块 9

    3.7超声波测距仪整体电路 10

    4. 系统软件设计 11

    4.1 HY-SRF05 超声波测距 11

    4.2 LCD1602液晶显示器 13

    4.3 温度传感器DS18B20 16

    4.4  4乘4键盘 18

    4.5 基于超声波测距的面积/体积测量 19

    4.6 系统主程序 20

    5.系统软、硬件调试 22

    5.1 调试LCD1602 22

    5.2 调试超声波模块

  1. 上一篇:Labview的温湿度记录系统的设计+程序
  2. 下一篇:WIFI天线设计HFSS仿真
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