

    毕业论文关键词  移相干涉  抗振  PSD  单片机  波长调谐 


    Title   The processing about how to deal with dithering fringes in an active anti-vibration interferometer system


    Phase-shifting interferometry (PSI) is an non-contact optical measurement method of high-precision, high-sensitivity, high-spatial resolution, but it is vulnerable to the impact of environmental vibration. This paper focus on the phase-shifting interferometer vibration technology processes and problems. In a deep understanding of the interference principle and the wavelength principle and on the basis of choosing an optical position sensor(PSD) as a photodetector to detect the interference fringes jitter, we use SCM to control the tunable wavelength laser to achieve real-time vibration compensation. Based on the changes of the position of interference fringes in PSD photosensitive surface, it will produce different voltages. The voltage gets access to SCM, and then be converted from analog to digital. According to the wavelength tuning principle, we determine the compensation wavelength, and then determine the required voltage of the laser. Prepare the logic conversion process about the voltage, and use SCM to convert the input voltage to the desired voltage, convert it from digital to analog, and then output it to the laser lastly.

    Keywords: phase-shifting interferometer, active anti-vibration, PSD, SCM, wavelength tunning.

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  课题研究背景 1

    1.2  本论文的主要工作 2

    2  干涉仪的抗振技术的发展状况 3

    2.1  自适应主动抗振技术 3

    2.1.1  机电反馈抗振术 3

    2.1.2  声光频率调制法 3

    2.1.3  电光晶体调制补偿法 4

    2.2  被动抗振 4

    2.2.1  抗振算法 4

    2.2.2  同步移相 5

    3  干涉测量原理 6

    3.1  移相干涉原理 6

    3.2  振动对干涉的影响 8

    3.3  光点移动量(干涉条纹移动量)的检测 8

    3.4  波长调谐抗振技术 11

    3.4.1  波长调谐相移斐索干涉仪 11

    3.4.2  可调谐半导体激光器 13

    4  单片机 15

    4.1  单片机简介

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