


    毕业论文关键词:室内可见光通信 白光LED  OFDM  光源布局  菲涅尔透镜


    Title   The research of visible light communication techniques based on White LED 


    Visible light communication(VLC) is a emerging wireless communication technology which based on White LED .White LED combines two functions of lighting and communication .Compared to others wireless optical communication technology , VLC is more easier to eliminate the shadow effect ,and it has no limit of transmitted power ,which provides a safe ,simple means of communication.

    In this paper, first, introduce the overall structure of indoor visible light communication system, we research on the key techniques of indoor visible light communication system, explore the channel characteristics of VLC, analysis the link mode and its DC gain of VLC. Furthermore ,we propose use orthogonal frequency pision multiplexing  modulation (OFDM)to eliminate inter-symbol interference(ISI).We discuss the characteristics of white LED ,the distribution of indoor lighting. Finally, we mainly analyze the light emitting and receiving technology; include the principle of drive circuit. After comprehended the internal structure of optical receiver, we design a Fresnel lens to replace the common lens to improve the optical concentrator.

       Key words : Indoor visible light communication  White LED  OFDM  Distribution of lighting  Fresnel lens

    目 次

    1 绪论 1

    1.1  基于白光LED室内可见光通信系统研究背景 1

    1.2 该课题国内外研究的历史和现状 2

    1.3  论文研究主要内容 3

    1.4 论文的章节安排 4

    2 室内可见光通信系统整体结构 5

    2.1  光源 5

    2.2 无线集线器 5

    2.3 无线适配器 6

    2.4 光码分多址技术(OCDMA) 7

    2.5 本章小结 7

    3 室内可见光通信信道分析 8

    3.1  信道模型 8

    3.2室内可见光的链路 10

    3.3  两种光传输信道 10

    3.3.1  两种光传输信道的概念 10

    3.3.2两种光传输信道的直流增益 12

    3.4  信道的传播特征

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