    Matlab based on wavelet transform in image processing in simulation and Application
    Abstract:Wavelet analysis theory,as a new time—frequency analysis tool,has been well applied in the area of signal analysis and processing.An image is actually a two-dimensional signal.So it is natural to apply wavelet analysis to the area of image processing.Image de-noising and edge detection are two widely used technologies in image preprocessing.By enhancing SNR and highlighting expected features of image,it will be more convenient for further step of processing.Wavelet transform is more and more frequently applied to image processing according to its own advantages.In the process of image gaining and switching, because of the sensor noise, the stochastic atmospheric rapids and scattering of the image formation light - source and so on, images quality, resolution and the contrast gradient will drop, and causes dramatic fall of the image application. These may create bad influence on the final recognition result. In view of this situation, this article uses the good partial characteristic of wavelet transformation, and makes the signal of image be decomposed enough in the frequency range after wavelet transformation, and separates the outline and the detail information which reflects the image. The wavelet coefficient after transforming is enhanced, then inverse transform of the wavelet coefficient is made to gain the enhanced image. The experimental result indicates that the image visual effect is improved and the image application value is enhanced.

    Keywords: Wavelet transform; Coefficient of filter; Noise elimination; Image compression;  Image fusion; Image enhancement

    1 引言    5
    1.1 课题的背景及研究意义    5
    1.2 小波变换的发展    6
    1.2.1小波变换的应用    6
    1.1.2 小波变换国内外研究现状    7
    1.3 设计工具---Matlab小波工具箱    8
    2 小波函数    10
    2.1二文离散小波变换函数    10
    2.2二文离散小波变换的函数简介    11
    3小波分析    14
    3.1 连续小波变换    14
    3.2连续小波变换的离散化    16
    3.3 多分辨分析与Mallat算法    18
    3.3.1 多分辨分析    18
    3.3.2正交小波变换    20
    3.3.3二文Mallat算法    21
    3.4小波包变换    23
    4  Matlab小波变换与图像处理    25
    4.1 小波变换在图像消噪中的应用    25
    4.1.1 小波图像消噪的基本原理    25
    4.1.2 参数设置    26
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