



    1. 完成了基于二维FFT的的基本成像算法,并进行了系统验证。

    2. 完成了MUSIC算法和空间平滑MUSIC算法的仿真,研究了算法的特性,并结合系统实测结果进行验证。

    3. 完成了ESPRIT算法及其空间平滑算法的仿真,并用系统的实测数据进行了验证。

    4. 熟悉并验证了RELAX算法的性能。


    毕业论文关键词    合成孔径   算法   MATLAB   DOA估计


    Title  The research of high-resolution Synthetic Aperture Radar algorithm about continuous step frequency system

    Abstract Synthetic Aperture Radar is a kind of high-resolution imaging radar.SAR improves the range resolution by the wideband signal pulse compression  for anti-radar camouflage microwave imaging application requirements.The lab developed a system of continuous-wave step frequency ground synthetic aperture radar. The radar can target a variety of camouflage goals and have high-resolution imaging in one-dimensional and two-dimensional. In this thesis, the imaging system for imaging algorithms is inquiried. Including the use of target DOA estimation to improve the measurement resolution of the target.

    This major work of this paper is bellowing:

    1. the two-dimensional FFT-based algorithm for basic imaging is completed. And the system verification is conducted

    2.The MUSIC algorithm and spatial smoothing MUSIC algorithm is completed and simulated.

    3. The ESPRIT algorithm and its spatial smoothing algorithm simulation is completed. And the measured data of the system has been used to verify.

    4.Research the performance of RELAX algorithm

    Finally,the advantages and disadvantages of each of the three algorithms is analysised and compared. According to the actual requirements for the system,the MUSIC algorithm is used.

    Keywords    SAR  Algorithm  Matlab  DOA

     1  引言 1

    1.1  研究背景 1

    1.2  国内外研究现状 2

    1.3  本文的主要工作和安排 3

    2  地面合成孔径雷达成像系统组合和工作原理 3

    3  基本成像算法 6

    3.1  距离向成像原理 6

    3.2  方位向成像原理 8

    3.3  合成阵列近场聚焦处理 10

    3.4  系统成像实验结果 11

    4  基于特征分解的超分辨算法 19

    4.1  MUSIC算法原理 19

    4.2  前后空间平滑MUSIC算法数学模型及推导

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